I was going to sleep but then I decided, that since I already finished my philosophy summary and sent it to my teacher, I could also update. :D
Hmm, tosiaan oon harjoitellu wanhojen tansseihin, jotka on 15.2. Käytiin hakemassa tänään mun puku liikkeestä~ Sitä vähän korjailtiin (helmaa lyhennettiin ja olkaimia). Ostettiin kans mulle korvikset samaisesta kaupasta.
So yeah, I have practiced for our prom, which is 15th of February. We went to take my dress today from the store~ It were there for little repair~ We also bought earrings for me from the same store.
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haha, the white jacket looks like an arm, though it's just a jacket. Anyway, it's in our clothing room now~ the color looks a bit different than normally 'cause the light. ^^ |
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it cost only 5€ (in stock) |
Mä tein tässä alkuviikosta sitten pitkästä aikaa kynnet~ Tai siis, lakkasin ja sillee. Nyt nää on alkanut vähän kulua ja aion tehdä uudet viikonloppuna.
I also made new nails in the beginning of the week~ I mean, I put some nail polish. Now I should take them of and made new ones (I'm going to do them this weekend).
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the light again >< anyway, light purple it's the "background nail polish and with pink polish I did those hearts~ and yeah, the nails are my own |
Mä kerroinkin viime postauksessa et oltiin 4 päivä meidän ystäväperheellä. Siellä ei juurikaan kuvia tullut otettua, mut alussa napsasin nämä pari kuvaa koirista. Ylemmässä kuvassa on ystäväperheen hoidossa oleva Bichon frisé Lenni ja alemmassa sit on kys. perheen omat karvakuonot, Bichon frisé Tomi ja Yorkshiren terrieri Jakke. ♥
As I told last entry, I was on 4th day in our family friends house. I didn't take much pics but in the beginning, I took these few pics of the dogs. The dog in the upper picture is Bichon frisé Lenni, who they took care of and the dogs in the lower picture are Bichon frisé Tomi and Yorkshire terrier Jakke. ♥
Mulla oli YH'n koe eilen. Meillä oli koulussa japanilaisia professoreja. Oon luonnostani aika ujo. No anyway, japania opiskelleena (opiskelut siis jatkuu mut siis... you got my point right ^^') oon aina halunnu moikata jotain japanilaisia vierailijoita tms. japaniks tietty (;. No ennen koetta vietin aikaa käytävällä mun kaverin kanssa. Sit Aki, meidän musiikinopettaja tuli juttelemaan meille. Sit se oli sillee "mulla onkin japanilaisia vieraita tuolla" ja sitten olin sillee "juu, nähtiin ne ku käveltiin luokan ohi~ ^^". Sit se kai muisti,et mä opiskelen japania ja oon muutenkin kiinnostunut kys. kulttuurista. Niimpä sit seuraava dialogi kertoo, mitä kävi (a = aki, P = minä, j = japanilaiset professorit):
A: Hei, tuu moikkaa niitä !
P: Emmää viitti... ja ku mulla alkaa koekkin kohta~
A: Oh, come on! Tuu nyt ees hetkeks~!
P: No... kai mä voisin tullakkin.
* Tuun luokkaan ujosti, Akin takana*
A: Hello~ Ehm, this is my student and she studies Japanese.
J: Ahhh~ Konnichi wa
P: Konnichi wa... Hajimemashite~
J: Hajimemashite
P: Watashi wa Pinja desu. Yoroshi onegai shimasu~
J: Yoroshiku~
A: Pinja, you were going to travel to Japan some day, weren't you?
P: Oh yeah, in couple of year. I hope I'll be seeing my favorite bands big concert in there ^^
J: Oooh~ really? Who is your favorite band ?
P: An Cafe
J: Eeh? Which Genre?
P: It's Japanese rock... (alan selittää jotai)
J: okay~
A: Would you like to try to say something else in Japanese?
P: Eeh~ ? Oh, eh, O-genki desu ka?
J: *naurahtaa* Genki desu
P: Okay~ but now I got to go since my exam will start so bye bye and thank you. Arigatou gozaimasu! *kumarrus*
J: Arigatou.
I had social studies exam on Thursday. That day, there were two Japanese professors in our school and they followed few lessons. I'm very shy and as I've studied Japanese, I've wanted to say "hi" or something to some Japanese visitors. Anyway, I was spending time at the corridor with my friend, before my exam started. Then Aki, our music teacher, came to talk to us. He were like "I have some Japanese professors visitors in my classroom" and we were like "yeah, we saw them when we walked past your class~ ^^" Then he remembered (I suppose) that I've studying Japanese and I'm also interested about the culture. So, this following situation happened. (A = Aki, P = me, J = Japanese professors):
A: Hey! Come to say hi to them!
P: I-I don't know~ I mean, my exam will start soon...and stuff~
A: Oh, come on! Come for even a moment~
P: Well... I think it's okay then...
*walks shyly to the classroom behind Aki*
A: Hello~ Ehm, this is my student and she studies Japanese.
J: Ahhh~ Konnichi wa
P: Konnichi wa... Hajimemashite~
J: Hajimemashite
P: Watashi wa Pinja desu. Yoroshi onegai shimasu~
J: Yoroshiku~
A: Pinja, you were going to travel to Japan some day, weren't you?
P: Oh yeah, in couple of year. I hope I'll be seeing my favorite bands big concert in there ^^
J: Oooh~ really? Who is your favorite band ?
P: An Cafe
J: Eeh? Which Genre?
P: It's Japanese rock... (I explained a bit)
J: okay~
A: Would you like to try to say something else in Japanese?
P: Eeh~ ? Oh, eh, O-genki desu ka?
J: *laughs a bit* Genki desu
P: Okay~ but now I got to go since my exam will start so bye bye and thank you. Arigatou gozaimasu! *bow*
J: Arigatou.
Olinko ees pienesti jäässä? Ja en viittinyt sanoo mitään heippaa, koska en tienny mikä olis hyvä kohtelias muoto. Ku Sayonara olis niinku... hyvästi : D ja nää Ja Mata yms. on enempi tuttavallisempia (?). Tosiaan, tää oli vähän kärjistetysti mut nää myös esim. kehu yhessä vaiheessa mun japania (lausun hyvin yms.) Nii ja kerroin kans mun japanin opiskelusta. Oli kyl tosi mukavia professoreja ja oli kiva kokeilla taitoja käytännössä. Mua jännitti ja olin kans innoissani ja tän jälkee olin pienessä shokissa ja kävellessäni YH'n luokkaa kohti, musta tuntu ettei jalat kantanu. Kiva vaa ku koe oli heti tän jälkee : D
I felt I was frozen, like so nervous at suddenly that I couldn't think up anything. Oh, and I didn't say anything like "bye bye" in Japanese, since I don't know what would have been good. I mean, our teacher said that "Sayonara" is more like goodbye (something like 'we won't see each other anymore/in long time' or something). and those one's we use in Japanese class, like Ja mata is more like friendly way (?). Oh, and the conversation isn't full in this, just a little part. We also talked about my Japanese studies ^^' and they said that my Japanese is good/ I pronounce very well! The professors were so nice and it was great to be able to use my skills in "real life situation". I was so nervous and excited and when left I felt like I was on little shock. While walking to social studies classroom, I felt like I couldn't walk properly. "great" that the exam was just before that. : D
Tää oli siis meikäläiselle suht. iso juttu, vaikka monesta se pieneltä saattais tuntuakin. En osaa selittää, mut se vaan oli niin hieno kokemus ;w; Mut nyt meen tosiaan nukkumaan, hyvää yötä! ♥
But anyway, it might not sound like it, but it was very big thing for me. I can't explain my feels very well but it was amazing experience ;w; But now I gotta go to sleep, Good Night ! ♥
♥ Whii~ I got new followers. Welcome and thank you! Hope you have fun and you enjoy my blog \o/ ♥
As I told last entry, I was on 4th day in our family friends house. I didn't take much pics but in the beginning, I took these few pics of the dogs. The dog in the upper picture is Bichon frisé Lenni, who they took care of and the dogs in the lower picture are Bichon frisé Tomi and Yorkshire terrier Jakke. ♥
Mulla oli YH'n koe eilen. Meillä oli koulussa japanilaisia professoreja. Oon luonnostani aika ujo. No anyway, japania opiskelleena (opiskelut siis jatkuu mut siis... you got my point right ^^') oon aina halunnu moikata jotain japanilaisia vierailijoita tms. japaniks tietty (;. No ennen koetta vietin aikaa käytävällä mun kaverin kanssa. Sit Aki, meidän musiikinopettaja tuli juttelemaan meille. Sit se oli sillee "mulla onkin japanilaisia vieraita tuolla" ja sitten olin sillee "juu, nähtiin ne ku käveltiin luokan ohi~ ^^". Sit se kai muisti,et mä opiskelen japania ja oon muutenkin kiinnostunut kys. kulttuurista. Niimpä sit seuraava dialogi kertoo, mitä kävi (a = aki, P = minä, j = japanilaiset professorit):
A: Hei, tuu moikkaa niitä !
P: Emmää viitti... ja ku mulla alkaa koekkin kohta~
A: Oh, come on! Tuu nyt ees hetkeks~!
P: No... kai mä voisin tullakkin.
* Tuun luokkaan ujosti, Akin takana*
A: Hello~ Ehm, this is my student and she studies Japanese.
J: Ahhh~ Konnichi wa
P: Konnichi wa... Hajimemashite~
J: Hajimemashite
P: Watashi wa Pinja desu. Yoroshi onegai shimasu~
J: Yoroshiku~
A: Pinja, you were going to travel to Japan some day, weren't you?
P: Oh yeah, in couple of year. I hope I'll be seeing my favorite bands big concert in there ^^
J: Oooh~ really? Who is your favorite band ?
P: An Cafe
J: Eeh? Which Genre?
P: It's Japanese rock... (alan selittää jotai)
J: okay~
A: Would you like to try to say something else in Japanese?
P: Eeh~ ? Oh, eh, O-genki desu ka?
J: *naurahtaa* Genki desu
P: Okay~ but now I got to go since my exam will start so bye bye and thank you. Arigatou gozaimasu! *kumarrus*
J: Arigatou.
I had social studies exam on Thursday. That day, there were two Japanese professors in our school and they followed few lessons. I'm very shy and as I've studied Japanese, I've wanted to say "hi" or something to some Japanese visitors. Anyway, I was spending time at the corridor with my friend, before my exam started. Then Aki, our music teacher, came to talk to us. He were like "I have some Japanese professors visitors in my classroom" and we were like "yeah, we saw them when we walked past your class~ ^^" Then he remembered (I suppose) that I've studying Japanese and I'm also interested about the culture. So, this following situation happened. (A = Aki, P = me, J = Japanese professors):
A: Hey! Come to say hi to them!
P: I-I don't know~ I mean, my exam will start soon...and stuff~
A: Oh, come on! Come for even a moment~
P: Well... I think it's okay then...
*walks shyly to the classroom behind Aki*
A: Hello~ Ehm, this is my student and she studies Japanese.
J: Ahhh~ Konnichi wa
P: Konnichi wa... Hajimemashite~
J: Hajimemashite
P: Watashi wa Pinja desu. Yoroshi onegai shimasu~
J: Yoroshiku~
A: Pinja, you were going to travel to Japan some day, weren't you?
P: Oh yeah, in couple of year. I hope I'll be seeing my favorite bands big concert in there ^^
J: Oooh~ really? Who is your favorite band ?
P: An Cafe
J: Eeh? Which Genre?
P: It's Japanese rock... (I explained a bit)
J: okay~
A: Would you like to try to say something else in Japanese?
P: Eeh~ ? Oh, eh, O-genki desu ka?
J: *laughs a bit* Genki desu
P: Okay~ but now I got to go since my exam will start so bye bye and thank you. Arigatou gozaimasu! *bow*
J: Arigatou.
Olinko ees pienesti jäässä? Ja en viittinyt sanoo mitään heippaa, koska en tienny mikä olis hyvä kohtelias muoto. Ku Sayonara olis niinku... hyvästi : D ja nää Ja Mata yms. on enempi tuttavallisempia (?). Tosiaan, tää oli vähän kärjistetysti mut nää myös esim. kehu yhessä vaiheessa mun japania (lausun hyvin yms.) Nii ja kerroin kans mun japanin opiskelusta. Oli kyl tosi mukavia professoreja ja oli kiva kokeilla taitoja käytännössä. Mua jännitti ja olin kans innoissani ja tän jälkee olin pienessä shokissa ja kävellessäni YH'n luokkaa kohti, musta tuntu ettei jalat kantanu. Kiva vaa ku koe oli heti tän jälkee : D
I felt I was frozen, like so nervous at suddenly that I couldn't think up anything. Oh, and I didn't say anything like "bye bye" in Japanese, since I don't know what would have been good. I mean, our teacher said that "Sayonara" is more like goodbye (something like 'we won't see each other anymore/in long time' or something). and those one's we use in Japanese class, like Ja mata is more like friendly way (?). Oh, and the conversation isn't full in this, just a little part. We also talked about my Japanese studies ^^' and they said that my Japanese is good/ I pronounce very well! The professors were so nice and it was great to be able to use my skills in "real life situation". I was so nervous and excited and when left I felt like I was on little shock. While walking to social studies classroom, I felt like I couldn't walk properly. "great" that the exam was just before that. : D
Tää oli siis meikäläiselle suht. iso juttu, vaikka monesta se pieneltä saattais tuntuakin. En osaa selittää, mut se vaan oli niin hieno kokemus ;w; Mut nyt meen tosiaan nukkumaan, hyvää yötä! ♥
But anyway, it might not sound like it, but it was very big thing for me. I can't explain my feels very well but it was amazing experience ;w; But now I gotta go to sleep, Good Night ! ♥
♥ Whii~ I got new followers. Welcome and thank you! Hope you have fun and you enjoy my blog \o/ ♥
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