
challenge + something more ~

Tota niin, viikonloppu on taas lopuillaan (yngh) ja kohta alkaa taas koulu. D: Ei siinä muuten mitään, mut mulla alkaa koeviikko melki suoraan, tiistaina enkun kokeen muodossa. Jaja pitäis alkaa kirjottaa tota japanin kulttuuri tutkielmaa ja huomiseks pitäin palauttaa about. 2 sivunen essee YH:seen, aiheena "Kreikka ulos EU:sta?" Siinä siis pyrin pohtimaan erilaisia näkökulmia puolesta ja vastaan. Niin ja tyyliporfolio pitäis palauttaa perjantaina. Mut se koulujutuista! :D

Yeah, weekend is almost over and school starts again, soon. D: I don't really mind that so much, but I have so many school works to do. Also, my exam week will start on Tuesday. But yeah, I should do some projects to Finnish lesson, some essay to social studies and histoy and yeah... Anyway, let's not talk about school things! :D

Perjantai oli ihan super päivä Pääsin aikaisin kotiin, tein vähän nuudeleita yms. Ei siinä vielä mitään, mut... mä sain mun vauvani (= lue koneeni) takaisin korjausreissusta Ruotsista! Eli kirjotan taas mun tutulla ihanalla pinkillä ASUS läppärilläni tätä merkintää ja tää oikeesti toimii ja lataa ja kaikki on täydellistä.

Kone siis saapui illalla eikä heti saatu kytkettyä sitä nettiin, mut se tapahtu sit launataina ja olinkin sit käytännössä koneella koko päivän. :D Nyt ei ainakaa enää tarvi miettiä mitä hittoa sitä tekis.

Friday was super day for me School ended pretty early, I did some noodles etc. But not just that... My laptop came back from the computer care. So, I'm writing this entry with my lovely pink laptop, and this one really works now and everything is just perfect.

So, my laptop came last evening. We didn't manage get the internet work on that day, but we did it next morning, on Saturday. Then I was basically on computer hole day. :D At least I don't need to wonder what I'm going to do when I'm bored. 

Okei, mä lähinnä kirjoitin tän merkinnän sen takia, et pystyisin tekeen tän haasteen mahdollisimman nopeesti. Eli haaste on nyamon blogista ja se näytti kivalta, joten päätin tehdä sen myös itse. ^^ pidemmittä puheitta, aloitetaan:

So, I kinda wrote this entry just so I could do this challenge asap. I found it on nyamo's blog and I wanted to do it 'cause it was pretty nice. So let's start:

To explain the game - you count backwards from 13 to 1 and make each number a cathegory with resolutions/aims you want to fulfill in 2013.

13 accomplish my personal resolutions 2013
- try to be positive
- do my best
- seriously, try to do some study
- try to write something
- try to support my favorite band (aka An Cafe) as much as possible.
- try to update my blog and ~Teru-san~ more
12 times picture x song[mv] of the month
Hmm, I don't promise or anything, but I can try. It sounds pretty interesting.
11 k-pop idol bands to "get to know"
get to know means: pay more attention to them / 「maybe get into them / learn their names / ...
Hmm (i'd love to say Suju, but I already pay much attention to them, so...), do I need to say eleven or... Anyway, here's some: SHINee (I started to pay more attention on about, week ago and I'm going to listen more when I have enough time...yah), BIGBANG, SNSD, Mlaq, Teen Top, DBSK and maybe some other. Let's see~

10 minutes of relaxation every day

Sounds great to me ~

09 manga to buy
I'm not really sure... but I'd buy some Inuyasha so I'd collect the hole series, and then Kuroshitsuji. And let's see, if some new manga would come. ^^

08 h sleep every night
I'm pretty sure I won't have time for that, maybe on breaks but... School -.-
07 dorama / shows to (re)watch
I really haven't watch dorama's earlier, so I have no idea. You can suggest me some, if you'd like.
But wait, does the "shows" go to the shows, which like... kpop idol bands do? 'cause if that's the case, then at least:
- Adonis Camp
- Hello Baby SHINee ver.
- Full House
- Intimate note
06 cm for my hair to grow

Why not~ ^^
05 pictures need to be drawn

I could finish the Yuji I started, but I really don't draw that much. Let's hope I'd have some inspiration.
04 fanfictions need to be written / finished
- the amusement park fanfic
- the SID I'm writing for Reiku
- I'd want to at least start one mystery fic
- Hmm, I could write a super junior fanfic... maybe.
03 exams I have to pass [only in February, who knows about the following...]

- History exam on Wednesday
- English exam on Tuesday
- Finnish exam on Friday
02 times [at least] : visiting friends who live far away
 Yeah, why not~ I'd want to visit Kaisis at least and all the nice people I know.

01ce a week : a new blog post
I can try, but I already know that I'm pretty sure not gonna make it. But trying won't harm you, right?

And now I should say 13 people, ne? I'm so bad with these 'cause... Let's make a deal. If you have even a little thought, that you'd be interested in to do it, then do it. I'd want to read all of your answer.

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