I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. :c My dad have taken a look of my computer and we have to take it to the Asus care. To add, I have had so much school stuff to do and I don't like to ask all the time if I could use my parent's computer. Especially 'cause I've used it much with school stuff. Anyway, let's go straight to the topic. ^^
Tracon siis oli tänä vuonna 8.-9.9.2012. Muista kerroista poiketen mä olin tänä vuonna ohjelmanpitäjänä (Tanparan paraparaesitys ♥) ja lisäks Tuizi ei tullut tällä kertaa mun seuraks. :c Mä olin siis paikalla jo klo. 9~ Juttelin Iinan kanssa ja odotin, et muita tuttuja tulis. Näin sit siinä Mariaa ja Nelliä. Pyörin kyl aluks lähinnä Iinan seurassa, yritettiin selvitellä missä se meidän esiintymispaikka tulee olemaan yms. Ainiin, bongasin nopeesti myös Miharun mut oli aika kiire, ni ei ehditty monta sanaa vaihtaa :c
On this year, Tracon was 8.-9.9.2012. The different thing this year was, that I was part of the show this year (Tanpara's parapara performance ♥) and also, Tuizi didn't join me this time. :c I was on the place already 9am~ I talked with Iina ja waited the other to come. I saw for example Maria and Nelli. First I was mostly with Iina and we tried to make it clear, where we should perform and stuff like that. Oh, I also saw Miharu but I was so busy, that we didn't have much time to talk. :c
Puol yhden maissa bongasin Marian uudelleen ja menin odottelemaan japsirokkimiitin alkamista. Pihalla satoi, joten ei voitu olla ulkona, mut onneks löydettiin kiva tila sisältä. Puol kahden maissa mä lähdin sit ykkösaulaan, koska oltiin sovittu, et paraparaesityksen tyypit kokoonnutaan sillon ja siirrytään pukuhuoneille, osa kyl halus tulla myöhemmin. Siellä sit valmistauduttiin ja onnistuin hiuksia laittaessa katkasemaan oman pompulani. Onneks sain lainata Venlalta yhtä ♥ Kun mentiin paikalle, ei ollutkaan äänentoistoa ja sitä sit odoteltiin minuutti jos toinenkin. Lopulta sekin hoitu ja saatin aloittaa.
Around half past twelve I saw Maria again and I joined here. We waited to Japsirokki meetings to start. There rained outside, so we couldn't have meeting there but luckily we found nice place from the inside the Tamperetalo. Around half past one I went to the first floor and met other Tanpara's people. We went to get ourselves ready for the performance. I managed to break my hairband but luckily Venla borrowed me one. ♥ First we had some troubles with the sound systems, but finally everything was ready and we were able to start.
I got this picture from Enzeru, thanks ;w; ♥ |
First day went with nervousness and excited feelings at first. After the performance I rushed back to the dressing room and got my stuff there. After that I went to Lafi gala. There I got to know some new people and were able to talk with the one I already knew.... eeh, I also were able to eat good chocolate-chili muffins, I got many things to home, were able to play Yuuki a while, share gala award to other people and I won, too.
Gaalan jälkeen suuntasin auttamaan ikärajattomien iltabileiden järjetämisessä. Jenlayn oli tekemässä sound checkiä, ja ahh~ ♥ Oli muuten kivan kuulosta! Auttamisen lomassa ehdin vaihtaa sanasen jos toisenkin Piian kanssa jaja oli hauskaa. Sain Meepulta sellasta jännää japanilaista snacksiä. Iltabileissä en kovin paljoa ollut, ainostaan kävin tsekkaamassa Jenlaynin keikan. Joka oli tositosi jees! Siellä oli ihanasti porukkaa ja kaikki oli messissä!
After the gala I helped to organize nightparty for age under 18. When I came in, Jenlayn was making sound chech and ahh~ ♥ It sounded so cool! While helping I talked with Piia and it was nice. I also got a Japanese snacks from Meepu. I didn't spend much time in the nightparty, I only went to watch Jenlayn's gig. It was soso great! There were much people and everybody were enjoying the gig!
Ja koska videot kertovat enenmmän kuin osaan itse selittää, niin katsokaan. Nää on bändit itse lataamia videoita. (Kuvat kertovat enemmän kuin 100 sanaa, mut sit ku miettii et näissä videoissa on monenmonta kuvaa niin kuinkas monta sanaa ne sit korvaa, you know (; )
Keikan jälkeen vietin aikaa Meepun ja Mirvan (Meepun kaveri) kanssa. Pelattiin hyvin hämärää peliä ja autoin sit korjaamaan noi iltabileiden vehkeet pois. Sain tätä kautta mm. keikan settilistan, jossa oli merkitty, minkälaiset valot mihinkin kuuluu. Ajattelinkin hetken, et kirjottaisin jotain:
"Keikalla oli myös kaunista akustista musiikkia, kun Obi soitti kanteleellaan Ave Marian. Kappaleen jälkeen Obi jatkoi kannellinjalla, mukaan tuli myös Red akustisella kitaralla ja kappaleena oli Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. Valot olivat tuolloin tunnelmallisen vaaleanvioletit" --eiku.
En jaksanut etsiä mun huoneen nurkista sitä lappua nyt, mut sitku löydän sen, voin laittaa sen settilistan tänne.
And because videos are telling more than words, please watch. The band has uploaded these bideos by themself. (They saying that picture tells more than 100 word, so when a video include many pics, just count how many words they tell... you know what I'm trying to say, don't you (; )
After the gig I spend time with Meepu and Mirva (Meepu's friend). We played very strange game and I also helped to clean up after the party. Because of that, I got Jenlayn's setlist where has wrote, which kind of light will be in the songs. I first thought about writing the post like:
"In the gig, they also played beautiful, acoustic music, when Obi played Ave Maria with his kantele. After the song, Obi countinued with kantele and Red joined him with acoustic guitar and the next song was Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. While these songs, the light were atmospheric light violet" --not
(Kantele is a Finnish instrument, somehow it reminds a bit of harp... you can see it in the video below ↓)
I was too lazy to find the set list for now, but after I find it, I can put the set list also in here.
Tulikin mieleen,et tolla Tracon videolla ei ollu pätkää tosta viimesimmästä kappaleesta, josta puhuin... eli Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. Noh, laitan sit videopätkän HypeConin keikasta. ↓
At that reminds, that I think in the Tracon video, there wasn't part of the ...part where they played Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. So, enjoy the clip from the HypeCon gig. ↓
↑ Viimeisin video on siis studioversio Chaos Theatherista, mikä julkaistiin vähän Traconin jälkeen. Videon kuvauksesta löytyy linkki, josta sen voi ladata ilmaiseksi.
↑ Latest video is a studio version of Chaos Theather, which released a little after Tracon. In the description of the video, you can find a link where you can download it for free.
Mä tosiaan hilluin Traconissa koko yön. Yöaika sujui mukavasti Green Roomissa. Eka olin vähän jäässä uusien ihmisten kanssa, mut onneks Piia tuli kans, ni sit ei ollu niin awkward -olo. Hauskaa oli kuunnella niitä juttuja ja hyvin pysyin hereillä. Viiden aikaa lähdin sit käppäilemään ympäri Tamperetaloa ja päädyimpä mä kans laulamaan muutaman kappaleen karaokessa.
So, I was on Tracon hole night. The nighttime were going nicely in Green Room. First I felt a bit awkward with the group of people I didn't know at all, but luckily Piia came there also and the feeling desapred. It was nice to listen all the stuff and I was able to stay awake hole night. Around 5am I went to circle around the Tamperetalo and I found my way to animekaraoke place, where I sang few songs.
Songs I sang:
SID - Rain
SID - Uso
SID - Uso
LM.C - 88
Donghae & Eunhyuk - Oppa Oppa (Japanese ver.)
X JAPAN - Forever Love
En tiiä oliks täs kaikki, en muista kaikkia. :DD mut ainakin noi. Oppa oppasta sen verran, etten eka huomannu et tää oli japaniversio ja tuli pieni "shit" -fiilis ku tajusin sen video alussa. Feilasin, mut ainakin oli hauskaa ! : D Ilman Janitaa en välttis olis uskaltanut laulaa ollenkaan, joten kiitokset hänelle!
I don't know if there's all 'cause I can't remember all. But at least I sang all those. :DD I could say, that I didn't first notice that oppa oppa was in japanese version. After the song started I had like "oh shit" -feeling 'cause I can't really sang that version as well as I do with the korean version. I failed it, but at least I had a lot of fun. : D Without Janita, I think I wouln't sang any song so... thanks to her!
I don't know if there's all 'cause I can't remember all. But at least I sang all those. :DD I could say, that I didn't first notice that oppa oppa was in japanese version. After the song started I had like "oh shit" -feeling 'cause I can't really sang that version as well as I do with the korean version. I failed it, but at least I had a lot of fun. : D Without Janita, I think I wouln't sang any song so... thanks to her!
Tarkemmat kuvat asusta ja meikistä. Esityksen jälkeen pistin hiukset auki, koska... tykkään pitää niitä enemmän auki. Meikki on pienesti suttaantunut ja oon hiukan väsyneen näköinen, mut annetaan se anteeksi yön nukkumattomuuden takia, right. :D Noi meikit oli niin kivat, paljon glitteriää~ Karaoken jälkeen ja parin kahvikupillisen jälkeen olin onneks entistä pirteempi, mut menin yöunille sunnuntaina jo 19:30. XD
Another picture of my outfit and make up. After the performance, I opened the pony tail 'cause... I prefer to keep my hair down. The make up is a bit... messy and I look a bit tired, but let keep it witht the fact that I didn't sleep at all in the night, right. :D Those make up were so nice, much glitter~ after the karaoke and few cups of coffee I was even more cheery that I was before. :D But I went to sleep on Sunday at half past seven pm, so XD
Another picture of my outfit and make up. After the performance, I opened the pony tail 'cause... I prefer to keep my hair down. The make up is a bit... messy and I look a bit tired, but let keep it witht the fact that I didn't sleep at all in the night, right. :D Those make up were so nice, much glitter~ after the karaoke and few cups of coffee I was even more cheery that I was before. :D But I went to sleep on Sunday at half past seven pm, so XD
Anyway, Green Roomissa mä tutustuin kans pariin tyyppiin ja pitkästä aikaa joku sano, et olis luullu mua vanhemmaks mitä oon. Yleisin mielipide on, et mua luullaan about 14 vuotiaaks, vaikka oikeesti täyty 18 n. puolen vuoden päästä ! Mä näin sunnuntaina Auran ja menin juttelemaan hetkeks. Lisäks näin Aisun pitkästä aikaa~ ♥ Käytiin sit yhessä myyntipöydillä, mutten ostanu mitään, koska no money. Näin kans Essiä ja olin niiden porukassa hetken. Suurimman osan päivästä kuitenkin olin conpelissä navigointijoukkueessa. Etsin vihjekirjekuoria ja sellasta.
Anyway, in the Green Room I get to know few people. Oh, and some of them said, that she had thought I was older than I really am, yay. Most common opinio is, that I look like a 14-year-old even though, I'll turn to 18 after a half year. On Sunday I saw Aura and I talked with her a moment. I also saw Aisu. Haven't seen her in ages~ ♥ I went to the counters with her, but I didn't buy anything 'cause no money. I also saw Essi and I sat with her and her company a while. Most of the afternoon I spend by doing conplay. I was on navigation team so I searched information envelopes and stuff.
Anyway, in the Green Room I get to know few people. Oh, and some of them said, that she had thought I was older than I really am, yay. Most common opinio is, that I look like a 14-year-old even though, I'll turn to 18 after a half year. On Sunday I saw Aura and I talked with her a moment. I also saw Aisu. Haven't seen her in ages~ ♥ I went to the counters with her, but I didn't buy anything 'cause no money. I also saw Essi and I sat with her and her company a while. Most of the afternoon I spend by doing conplay. I was on navigation team so I searched information envelopes and stuff.
Dodaah~ Joo, näin muutamaan otteeseen Nooraa ja Iinaa (Nooran sisko). Juteltiin monta tovia ja silleen. Kun Tracon loppu vietin aikaa heidän kanssaan ja sain kans kyydin kotiin. (^-^)/ Mä näin myös aina välillä Senjaa ja Keroa! Niin ja Hanna tuli kans moikkaamaan muutamaan otteeseen. Yff, olikohan mulla vie muuta ? Nojoo... sit ku Tytti laittaa meidän esitysvideon youtubeen niin linkkaan sen kans tänne ni voitte nähdä.
I also saw Noora and Iina (Noora's sister) in few moments. I talked a moment with them and stuff. When Tracon ended I spend time with them and I also got a ride for home. (^-^)/ I also saw Senja ja Kero! Oh, and Hanna came to talk in few parts. Yff, did I came up with something else? Well... I will link here the parapara performance video, which our teacher Tytti took... after she has uploaded them in youtube.
NIIN ja kuvia on niin vähän, koska mä en tykkää kovin käyttää kännykän kameraa ja unohdin ladata kameran. :c mun piti pistää loppuu vie tän päivän kuvia mm. mun ulkoasusta ja sillee (oli serkun synttärit), mut tää kone ei suostu tunnistaan tota kameran muistikorttia ni ei si. No sen verran voin sanoo,et mul oli sama paita ku toi esityspaita Traconis jaja myös samat farkkushortsit. Mut mul oli sellaset kivat villasukat ja mustat legginssit + pinkki huppari. :3
YEAH! There's this little photos 'cause I don't like to take pics so much with my hone and I forgot to charge my camera's battery. I was planned to put few pics here form today's oufit and like that (I was on my cousin's birthday party) but this computer doesn't want to regonize my camera's memorycard. But I can say, that I had the same shirt I was wearing in Tracon and also the same jeanshorts. But I also was wearing nice wool socks, black leggins and pink hoodie. :3
YEAH! There's this little photos 'cause I don't like to take pics so much with my hone and I forgot to charge my camera's battery. I was planned to put few pics here form today's oufit and like that (I was on my cousin's birthday party) but this computer doesn't want to regonize my camera's memorycard. But I can say, that I had the same shirt I was wearing in Tracon and also the same jeanshorts. But I also was wearing nice wool socks, black leggins and pink hoodie. :3
Öff~ se tais olla nyt siinä. Mun pää on ainakin ihan tyhjä, haha. Mut toi oli kyl tosi kiva päivä. ♥ Mut nyt meen vie kattoo tota matikkaa...ehkä. Mulla tosiaan alkaa koeviikko maanantaina (koko viikon koeviikko ja jokaisena päivänä koe. Maanantaina matikka, tiistaina bilsa, keskiviikkona hissa, torstaina enkku ja perjantaina ussa. Viimeviikolla oli tiistaina hissan tutkielman (17 sivua japanista valloittajana toisen maailmansodan aikana) palautus, torstaina hissan koe (kyllä, mulla oli kolme hissan kurssia täs jaksossa) ja perjantaina ruotsin koe). Tekemistä löytyy kivasti, mut ainakaa tää matikka ei oikee innostais, haha.
Aff~ I think that's it. At least my head is empty now but I had nice day ♥ But now I have to go to study some maths...maybe. My exam week will start on Monday (I have exams in everyday of the week. On Monday I have math, Tuesday biology, Wednesday history, Thursday English and on Friday religion. Last week I had history's treatise return (I did it with my friend and our topic was Japan in the II World War) on Tuesday, on Thurday I had history exam (yeah, I had three history cources in this section) and on Friday I had Swedish exam). So I have a lot of things to do.
Aff~ I think that's it. At least my head is empty now but I had nice day ♥ But now I have to go to study some maths...maybe. My exam week will start on Monday (I have exams in everyday of the week. On Monday I have math, Tuesday biology, Wednesday history, Thursday English and on Friday religion. Last week I had history's treatise return (I did it with my friend and our topic was Japan in the II World War) on Tuesday, on Thurday I had history exam (yeah, I had three history cources in this section) and on Friday I had Swedish exam). So I have a lot of things to do.
Anyway, nyt meen tästä oikeesti. Toivon mukaan näemme pian. Baibai ♥
Anyway, now I really gotta go. I hope we see soon. Bye bye ♥
Anyway, now I really gotta go. I hope we see soon. Bye bye ♥