Hello. Summer is ending and school's are starting soon. (My school starts at 10th of August). The few things which make Summe unforgatable are seeing your friends, eating good food + drinking nice drinks and relazing... but also a concert. I won't say, that sumemr couldn't be awesome without it, but... I hope you understand. ^^
Viime perjantaina (27.7.) menin katsomaan Kukkaisrockia, jossa pääesiintyjänä oli Lovex. ♥ Oletteko kuulleet? Alkupäivä lähti vähän hitaasti käyntiin, mut kyllä se siitä sitten ajan kanssa korjaantui ja sain kun sainkin kaiken valmiiksi. Meillä kävi iltapäivästä myös yksi Satu ja nautittiin lakritsisuklaa jäätelöä kahvin kanssa.
Last friday (27.7) I went to watch Kukkaisrock, which main performer were Lovex. ♥ Have you heard them? The beginning of the day were kinda lazy... but it went to better direction while the time went and I was able to do everything on time. On afternoon, Satu visited us and we ate some liquorice-chocholate ice cream with some coffee.
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time to go to bus. I made my hair there ^^' |
I was on city something around 18:30. I saw banana play and some new band's perform. They played well, but still audience weren't kinda with them. Well, except few people. I started to like them more when they played few songs of Queen... part of them, but still. Another one bites the dust --> I want to break free --> Fat bottomed girl. We also got to their music video and in the end of the concert, they threw some roses to audience. I didn't catch any, but I got some water's to my face, when some flowers "flied" over me, haha :D.
Keikan loputtua Nelli liittyi seuraan. Juteltiin hetki ja katseltiin pulun pelastusyrityksiä. Parka oli jäänyt johonkin lankaan kiinni eikä päässyt irti. :'(
After that gig, Nelli joined me. We talked a while and watched some trying to safe a bird. Poor thing was stuck for some string and couldn't get out. :'(
Members of Lovex came to try the instruments, but they had some techincal issues with them. We have a change to talk more and the girl next to us just stared at us. We had to wait for a while, but real rockstars are always a bit late, aren't they ;). In other words, I didn't mind to wait a little, 'cause the weather was nice. Only bad thing was, that the concert were a bit short 'cause the music had to stop before 21:30. ):
Vihdoin keikka alkoi, ensimmäisenä kappaleen Queen of the Night. Fiilis oli ylhäällä jo siitä asti ja yleisöstäkin huomasi, ketä he olivat tulleet kuuntelemaan. ^^ Kappaleen aikana myös pulu oltiin saatu pelastettua.
Finally the concert started, first song was Queen of the Night. The feeling was up since that moment and you'd notice from the audience, who they had come to listen/watch. ^^ While the song, few fire fighters were able to save the bird.
Kolmannen kappaleen, Slave for ther Gloryn, jälkeen yleisö lauloi "hyvää syntymäpäivää" vokalistille, Theonille, jolla oli ollut edellisenä päivänä syntymäpäivä.
After third song, Slave for the Glory, audience sang "happy birthday" to the vocalist, Theon, who had had birthday Thursday (26.7).
I might have had listen too much Queen, but that reminds me of some Freddie's moves... you know~ |
Haha, I love Theon's face while Vivian is like, Serious Business~ ♥ |
Keikka tosiaan loppu siinä puoli kymmenen aikaan, viimeisenä kappaleena oli Guardian Angel. Mulla oli tosiaan hauskaa ja kaikki kappaleet oli niin tuttuja,et pystyin helposti laulamaan mukana. Pääsin myös siirtyy siitä neljännestä rivistäni loppukeikaks tokaan riviin. Olin myös valinnut silleen hyvän paikan,et näin kaikki jäsenet hyvin ja olin siinä Vivianin edessä. ;w; Vivian tosiaan on mun lempijäsen. Settilista oli jotain tän näköistä:
Queen of the night
Take a shot
Slave for the glory
Anyone anymore
Bullet for the pain
Watch Out
Guardian Angel
Take a shot
Slave for the glory
Anyone anymore
Bullet for the pain
Watch Out
Guardian Angel
En oo ihan varma järjestyksestä. Nää kappaleet oli _ainakin_, en muistaakseni ole unohtanut mitään kappaletta. ^^'
The concert ended around half past nine, last song was Guardian Angel. I had very nice time and I knew all the song, so I was able to sing along. I were first in the forth line but finally, in the end of the concert I was on second line. My place was very good 'cause I saw all the members well and Vivian was in front of me. ;w; Vivian is my favorite member of Lovex. Oh, and the setlist were something like this:
Queen of the night
Take a shot
Slave for the glory
Anyone anymore
Bullet for the pain
Watch Out
Guardian Angel
Slave for the glory
Anyone anymore
Bullet for the pain
Watch Out
Guardian Angel
Keikan jälkeen nähtiin Theon lavan vieressä. Olin unohtanut kynän, mut Nelli lupas ottaa musta kuvan Theonin kanssa, joten mentiin suureen faniparveen. Tän jälkeen nähtiin Vivian, suunnattiin hänen luokseen. Sit nähtiin tällee "ripotellen" jäsenet, suunnattiin kohti ja saatiin kuva.
After the gig, we saw Theon. I was forgot my pen at home, but Nelli promised to take picture of me with Theon. So, we went to the fangirl group. After the pic, we saw Vivian and went to place, where he was. And the things were like this, we saw one of the member, asked picture etc.
with Theon |
with Vivian |
with Jason |
with Julian |
with Sammy |
with Christian |
Oh, melkein unohdin. Kun odotin omaa vuoroani saadakseni kuvan Sammyn kanssa, joku tyttö kysyi jotain tämän plekrtoista. Hän otti muutaman käteensä (taskustaan) ja antoi yhden kysyjälle. Muut tulivat käsi ojossa ja hän jakoi muutaman ympärillä oleville, myös minä sain yhden. Se oli tosi jees, koska keikalle en huomannut, että toinen heitti plektroja yleisöön (olin liian keskittynyt Vivianin kitarasooloon) ja yks meni suoraan mun naaman ohi, enkä tietty saanu sitä sitten kiinni. Mut kuitenkin sain keikalta ja ;w;. You rock, Sammy ♥ (Plektrakuvat oon kans ottanut itse :D)
Oh, almost forgot. While I was waiting my turn to get a pic with Sammy some girl asked him something about picks (the plastic thing guitarist use while playing... you know). Then he took some to his hand and also gave me on one \o/. It was nice 'cause while the concert, I didn't noticed that he threw some (I was watching Vivian's guitar solo, lol) and one went just next to my face. I, of course, couldn't get it, but still I got one. You rock, Sammy ♥ (Pick pics are taken by me)
Oh, and I bought this fanshirt:
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