Tämän vuoksi teenkin viikon tapahtumista yhteisen sarjan. Tää postaus aloittaa sarjan ja sen sankarina on...
The week 50 was full of action and most of the time I was away from Tampere. My week was built up from "normal days", hotel life, concerts, friends and memorial event.
That's why there will be series of the week. This is the first part of "(V)VIP WEEK" and the hero of it is...
The week 50 was full of action and most of the time I was away from Tampere. My week was built up from "normal days", hotel life, concerts, friends and memorial event.
That's why there will be series of the week. This is the first part of "(V)VIP WEEK" and the hero of it is...
SuG ♥
SuG saapui Suomeen 8.12.2015 ja tottakai mä olin menossa mukana. SuG oli ensimmäisiä jrock bändejä, joita aloin kuuntelemaan kunnolla. Keikan tullessa olin kuunnellut heitä kuusi vuotta. Mua naurattaa edelleen se, et päivä ennen keikan julkaisemista, oltiin puhuttu kaverin kanssa siitä, kuinka SuG olis kiva nähdä!
"Mutta se ei varmaan koskaan tule tapahtumaan, ainakaan Suomen kamaralla"
8.12.2015 was the date, when SuG had a concert in Finland and of course I was there. SuG was one of the first jrock bands I really got into. When the gig took place, I had listened them for six years. It still makes me laugh that literally a day before the gig was announced, I had talked with my friend, how we'd love to see SuG's live!
"But I guess that's never going to happen, at least in Finland"
... Kun uutinen tuli, niin siinä sit katsottiin näyttöä pitkään ja hölmistyneenä. Kun VIP upgradesta ilmoitettiin, et ollut kahta sanaakaan siitä, että ostaisinko sellaisen itselleni. Lipunmyynnissä oli jotain häikkää ja syke nousi paikka paikoin korkeaksi, mutta onneksi sitten parinkymmenen minuutin kuluttua pystyi hengähtämään helpotuksesta, kun vip upgrade kilahti sähköpostiin.
... When the news came out, I stared the screen very long and felt really puzzled. When it was announced, that there will be VIP upgrades, I didn't have to think twice would I try to get one. When the day for upgrades sales came, there was some technical issues on the server and I was getting really nervous. Luckily after 20 minutes, I was able to take a breathe of relief when I got my upgrade to my email.
Sit siinä oli aika tovi odotella keikan koittamista. Sovittiin Annin ja Suskin kanssa, että nähdään ainakin kerran ennen keikkaa. Opetellaan yhdessä fureja ja puhutaan keikasta yms. Ja näin tehtiin. Kokoonnuttiin Annille katsomaan videoita, tekemään fureja ja puhumaan. Ehdittiin nähdä kahteen otteeseen ennen h-hetkeä.
Siinä odotellessa joulukuuta kävi ilmi, että myös yksi mulle tärkeimmistä korealaisista ryhmistä, B1A4, tulee kans Suomeen! Olin sormet ristissä, etteivät keikat menisi päällekkäin ja onneksi niin ei käynytkään... Nimittäin B1A4 keikan päivämääräksi sanottiin 9.12. Mä varasin itselleni ja Tuizille hotellin 8.12-10.12.
Then there was nothing more to do than wait for the concert. We made plan with Anni and Suski that we try to meet at least once before the concert. We'll practice some furis together, talk about concert etc. And we did that. We gathered up to Anni's place twice to watch videos, do/practice furis and talk.
While waiting December, I got to know that B1A4, one of my very favorite Kpop group, is coming to Finland as well! I was hoping that the date wouldn't be same as SuG's and lucky was on my side this time... 'Cause B1A4 concert date was December 9th. So I booked a hotel room to Tuizi and I from December 8th to December 10th.
Then there was nothing more to do than wait for the concert. We made plan with Anni and Suski that we try to meet at least once before the concert. We'll practice some furis together, talk about concert etc. And we did that. We gathered up to Anni's place twice to watch videos, do/practice furis and talk.
While waiting December, I got to know that B1A4, one of my very favorite Kpop group, is coming to Finland as well! I was hoping that the date wouldn't be same as SuG's and lucky was on my side this time... 'Cause B1A4 concert date was December 9th. So I booked a hotel room to Tuizi and I from December 8th to December 10th.
Viimein joulukuu tuli ja odotettu viikko läheni. Maanantaina (7.12.) mulla oli normaalisti töitä. Töiden jälkeen kävin ostamassa vähän juttuja SuG:n jäsenille ja menin kotiin. Kotona sit askartelin mun paketin valmiiksi. Pistin kans Mimon myöhäisen syntymäpäivälahjan kasaan. Ehdin mä vähän myös ajatella pakkaamista.
Olin niin innoissani keikasta, että kuuntelin tyyliin vain ja ainoastaan SuG:ua. mm. tätä vielä toistaiseksi uusinta singlekappaletta. (Katsoessani tätä videota ensimmäisen kerran, katsoin, että toi nainen alussa oli Lycaonin Yuuki. :'DDD)
Finally December came and the week I had waited long came closer. On Monday (7.12), I had a normal day of work. After work I went to buy some things to SuG and after that I went to home. At home I wrapped up my present. I also made Mimo's late birthday gift ready. I was also able to think about packing up a little.
I was so excited about the concert that I basically just listened SuG's music. One of the songs I listened a lot was the so far newest single. (While watching the MV for the first time, I looked that the girl on the beginning was Lycaon's Yuuki. :'DDD)
Mun keikkamatkani alkoikin sitten tiistaina. Äiti lähti aamuvuoroon töihin, joten heräsin samoihin aikoihin juomaan aamukahvia. Enää ei sit väsyttänyt, eli päätin alkaa valmistautua - suihku, loput tavarat vielä mukaan jne. Onnibussi kohti Helsinkiä lähti n. 11:45. Bussissa alkoi sit vähän nukuttaa, mut onneksi Tuizi oli matkaseurana, joten pystyin nuokkumaan huoletta.
Sen ajan, mitä en nukkunut, kuuntelin aikalailla musiikkia. Kuuntelutin Tuizilla heavy+electro+dance+punk rebirth version ja katsottiin yhdessä myös Love Scream Party'n musiikkivideo, koska nostalgia. Helsingissä oltiin n. kahden aikoihin ja mentiin sit suoraan kirjautumaan sisään hotelliin. Siinä sit oli laittautumista, kaupassa käyntiä jne.jne. mut lopulta pääsin lähtemään kohti jonoa. Arvatkaapas muuten, kuka taas unohti VIP upgraden hotellihuoneeseen! :'DD Onneksi tällä kertaa se huone oli vielä meillä ja se oli ihan keikkapaikan vieressä niin ei tarvinnut edes juosta.
My concert trip started on Tuesday. Mum had a morning shift so I woke up around the same time to have my morning coffee. I wasn't at all tired anymore so I decided to just start to get ready - have shower, pack rest of the things etc. Onnibussi to Helsinki left around 11:45. During the bus trip, I started to feel a bit sleepy. Luckily I had Tuizi as my companion so I was able to have a little nap without worries.
The time I didn't spend by sleeping, I pretty much listened to music. I made Tuizi listen to the heavy+electro+dance+punk rebirth version and we also watched Love Scream Party's mv together, because of nostalgia. We were in Helsinki around two and we went straight to hotel to check it. After that there was some getting ready and grocery shopping etc.etc. before I was able to go to the concert place. Btw, guess who forgot her VIP upgrade again to the hotel room! :'DDD Luckily this time we still had the room to us and the hotel was just around the corner of the concert place, so I didn't even need to run.
My concert trip started on Tuesday. Mum had a morning shift so I woke up around the same time to have my morning coffee. I wasn't at all tired anymore so I decided to just start to get ready - have shower, pack rest of the things etc. Onnibussi to Helsinki left around 11:45. During the bus trip, I started to feel a bit sleepy. Luckily I had Tuizi as my companion so I was able to have a little nap without worries.
The time I didn't spend by sleeping, I pretty much listened to music. I made Tuizi listen to the heavy+electro+dance+punk rebirth version and we also watched Love Scream Party's mv together, because of nostalgia. We were in Helsinki around two and we went straight to hotel to check it. After that there was some getting ready and grocery shopping etc.etc. before I was able to go to the concert place. Btw, guess who forgot her VIP upgrade again to the hotel room! :'DDD Luckily this time we still had the room to us and the hotel was just around the corner of the concert place, so I didn't even need to run.
Saavuin jonoon joskus ~neljän aikaan. Ensimmäisenä skannasin jonottajat, josko näkyisi tuttuja naamoja. Ja kyllähän minä muutaman kaveria näin ja moikkailin. Mä näin Farnan VIP jonossa ja jäin sitten hänen, sekä hänen kaverinsa kanssa jonottamaan sisäänpääsyä. Tuntui tavallaan oudolta jonottaa niin vähän aikaa, mut toisaalta siinä "vähässä ajassa" ehti iskeä aikamoinen kylmyys.
I was in the line around 4pm. First I went through both queues to see if I'd spot any of my friends. And I did see some familiar faces and we chatted for a short time. I saw Farna in VIP queue and I stayed there with her and her friend and waited for the doors to open. It felt so strange to line up only about an hour or so, but on the other hand during that "an hour or so", I started to feel really cold.
I was in the line around 4pm. First I went through both queues to see if I'd spot any of my friends. And I did see some familiar faces and we chatted for a short time. I saw Farna in VIP queue and I stayed there with her and her friend and waited for the doors to open. It felt so strange to line up only about an hour or so, but on the other hand during that "an hour or so", I started to feel really cold.
Päästiin sisälle vähän myöhässä. Kun jono alkoi liikkua eteenpäin, niin omat käpälät tuntuivat menevän ihan kömpelöiksi. Tuntui siltä, kun kaikki tavarat on ihan levällään kun tää lippu on tässä ja tää täällä. niin ja sit tää lompakko ja narikkamaksu on täällä toisessa taskussa ja fanilahja kassissa. Kyllä siinä vähän syke alkoi nousta, mut onneksi sain kaiken kuitenkin hyvin annettua eteenpäin. (vaikka jouduinkin takin kanssa leikkiessä potkimaan laukkua eteenpäin.) Pääsin kans melkein heti sisälle pääsyn jälkeen tekemään ostoksia merchandise pöydälle, josta mukaan tarttui Missing pipo, SICK'S keikkapaita ja SuG kassi. Pipo meni heti kättelyssä päähän ja kaikki mun kantamukset kassiin.
We were let inside a little late. When the queue actually started to move, I felt like suddenly my hands stopped working properly and I became really clumsy. It was sort of - my concert ticket is here and wallet is there, fangift is on my bag which is there and the money for cloakroom is on my other pocket. My pulse started to get higher but luckily everything went quite well. (Even though I literally had to kick my bag forward while I tried to take my jacket off.) Almost immediately, after I had my jacket and bag in cloakroom, I went to merchandise table and I bought Missing hat, SICK'S concert shirt and SuG bag. I put the hat to my head immediately and everything else I put to the bag I just bought.
We were let inside a little late. When the queue actually started to move, I felt like suddenly my hands stopped working properly and I became really clumsy. It was sort of - my concert ticket is here and wallet is there, fangift is on my bag which is there and the money for cloakroom is on my other pocket. My pulse started to get higher but luckily everything went quite well. (Even though I literally had to kick my bag forward while I tried to take my jacket off.) Almost immediately, after I had my jacket and bag in cloakroom, I went to merchandise table and I bought Missing hat, SICK'S concert shirt and SuG bag. I put the hat to my head immediately and everything else I put to the bag I just bought.
I put a heart to the merchandise, that I bought... and of course I also the the VIP DVD, since I had the upgrade. ( Picture is from MJP's twitter )
Pian tän jälken sit ilmoitettiinkin, että kohta jäsenet saapuvat paikalle. Kun sit näin ne viisi miestä mun edessä, tuntui, et sydän hyppäs kurkkuun. Katselin siinä heitä silmät suurina. Sit huomasin sivusilmässä, et sivummalla olis parempi paikka ja livahdin sitten sinne. Siis se oli parempi siten, et näin kaikki jäsenet hyvin ja olin ihan Suskin ja Annin takana, heidän välissään.
Soon after I was done with merchandise, we were told that the members will be there soon. When I saw those 5 men in front of me, I felt like I was in a state of shock. I just looked at them with a big eyes. At the same time I noticed a better place on side and I sneaked there quickly. It was better than my previous place 'cause there I saw all of the members really well and I was right behind of Suski and Anni.
Soon after I was done with merchandise, we were told that the members will be there soon. When I saw those 5 men in front of me, I felt like I was in a state of shock. I just looked at them with a big eyes. At the same time I noticed a better place on side and I sneaked there quickly. It was better than my previous place 'cause there I saw all of the members really well and I was right behind of Suski and Anni.
Mä olin niin jännittynyt koko tilanteesta, että tärisin. Anni otti mua kädestä kiinni ja oltiin siinä sit toistemme henkisiä tukia ja kyllähän se siinä tilanteessa rauhoitti. Saatiin kysellä tovi kysymyksiä. Ilmoille tuli mm.
"Kai pidätte lupauksenne ja luvassa on kuuma keikka?"
- Tottakai!
(Takerulle) "Voitko näyttää tanssin avulla, kuinka innoissasi olet illan keikasta?"
- Jos maksat minulle 15 000 yeniä. ( vai oliko se 10 000 ? )
I was so excited and nervous on that moment that I was trebling a little. Anni noticed this and took my hand and we were each others mental support. And I must say that it helped a lot and I was able to relax for a bit. We were able to ask some questions. Few of them were for example.
"I hope you're keeping your promise of a hot gig?"
- Of Course!
(To Takeru) "Can you show us through dance, how excited you are of the night?"
- If you give me 15 000 yens. ( or was it 10 000 ? )
I was so excited and nervous on that moment that I was trebling a little. Anni noticed this and took my hand and we were each others mental support. And I must say that it helped a lot and I was able to relax for a bit. We were able to ask some questions. Few of them were for example.
"I hope you're keeping your promise of a hot gig?"
- Of Course!
(To Takeru) "Can you show us through dance, how excited you are of the night?"
- If you give me 15 000 yens. ( or was it 10 000 ? )
Sit kun oltiin kyselty hetki, alettiin mennä johonkin jonomuodostelman tapaiseen ja ihmiset pääsivät ottamaan kuvan bändin kanssa. Ennen tätä meille sanottiin "Ei saa pussata tai halata. Kätellä kyllä saatte." Lisäksi kerrottiin, että kun ovi aukeaa keikkasaliin, sinne voi mennä.
Olin tosi alkuvaiheessa ottamassa kuvaani. Kun oli mun vuoroni, astuin eteen ja Yuji tuli mua kohti. Hän otti lahjapaketin ja kirjeen ja sopersin sit siinä jotain, et se on sit kaikille. Hän kiitti ja sit mentiin kuvamuodostelmaan. Olin Takerun ja Yujin välissä. Mua jännitti tosi paljon, mut koska mua edelleen ärsytti et aikaisemmissa meet&greet tilanteissa oon jäätynyt niin pahasti, päätin nyt sit edes yrittää sanoa Yujille jotain... jotain, mikä oli ollut jo jonkin aikaa mun mielessä.
When we had asked questions for a while, we went to sort of queue and people got to take the picture with the band. Before that we were told "No kissing or hugging. You are able to shake their hand though." We were also told that once the concert hall's door was open, we could get in.
I was one of the few first fans to have the picture taken. When it was my turn, I took a step and Yuji walked to me. He took the gift and letter I had and I told him, that the gift and letter is for all of the members. He nodded and thanked and then we went to take the picture. I was between Takeru and Yuji. I was so nervous and excited, and since I was bit pissed off to myself for not being able to say anything other than thanks on the previous encounters with bands, I at least tried to say something to Yuji... something, which I had been thinking for a while.
When we had asked questions for a while, we went to sort of queue and people got to take the picture with the band. Before that we were told "No kissing or hugging. You are able to shake their hand though." We were also told that once the concert hall's door was open, we could get in.
I was one of the few first fans to have the picture taken. When it was my turn, I took a step and Yuji walked to me. He took the gift and letter I had and I told him, that the gift and letter is for all of the members. He nodded and thanked and then we went to take the picture. I was between Takeru and Yuji. I was so nervous and excited, and since I was bit pissed off to myself for not being able to say anything other than thanks on the previous encounters with bands, I at least tried to say something to Yuji... something, which I had been thinking for a while.
Kysyin sit Yujilta, tykkääkö hän vielä juustokakusta.
I asked Yuji, if he still likes cheesecake.
I asked Yuji, if he still likes cheesecake.
Pinja: "Do you still like cheesecake?"
Yuji: "Cheesecake?" *syönti ele*
Pinja: *nyökkää* "Yeah, cheesecake"
Yuji: "Yeah" *leveä hymy* "Yes, I like cheesecake. Here... cheesecake?" *osoittaa pakettia*
Pinja: "Sadly no :c"
Yuji: "Cheesecake?" *syönti ele*
Pinja: *nyökkää* "Yeah, cheesecake"
Yuji: "Yeah" *leveä hymy* "Yes, I like cheesecake. Here... cheesecake?" *osoittaa pakettia*
Pinja: "Sadly no :c"
Yuji: "Naww"
Sitten juustokakkukeskustelumme jälkeen kättelin Yujia. Tän jälkeen Chiyu käveli mun luokse ja kiitin häntä ja kättelin. Sit oli vuorossa Takeru, joka oli ihan mun takanani. Eli kun käännyin niin hän oli ihan siinä edessä, Ja kättelin myös Masatoa ja Shinpeitä, kiittäen heitäkin. Siinä aika oli vähän kortilla, että pidempiä keskusteluja ei oikein ehtinyt tehdä.
Kun olin kätellyt Shinpeitä, olin laidassa ja lähdin kävelemään kunnes... huomasin, että mun kassini oli jäänyt siihen etualalle, johon se oltiin pistetty piiloon kuvasta. Onneksi yksi staffeista huomasi tämän ja hän ojensi kassin minulle. Nopeasti tämän jälkeen huomasin oven keikkasaliin olevan auki. Kipitin sisään nopeasti ja huomasin vasemmassa reunassa olevan hyviä paikkoja eturivissä. Paikat olivat juuri ne, mitä halusinkin. (koska Yuji on suosikki!)
After our cheesecake talk I shook hands with Yuji. After that Chiyu walked to me and I thanked him and shook hands. And then it was turn to Takeru, who was behind my back. Like when I turned, he stood right in front of me. Then I shook hands with Masato and Shinpei while thanking them as well. There was so many people and so little time so I wasn't really able to hold longer conversations.
Once I had shook hands with Shinpei, I was on the side and about to walk off until... I noticed I had left my newly bought bag to SuG's side, on a place where it had been put so it wouldn't be in the picture. Luckily one of the staff's noticed it as well and she gave the bag to me. Quickly after that I noticed the doors to the concert hall had been opened. I went inside quickly and notived, that there were really good places left in the first row, which were on the left side. The places were the once, I really wanted. ('cause Yuji is my fav!)
After our cheesecake talk I shook hands with Yuji. After that Chiyu walked to me and I thanked him and shook hands. And then it was turn to Takeru, who was behind my back. Like when I turned, he stood right in front of me. Then I shook hands with Masato and Shinpei while thanking them as well. There was so many people and so little time so I wasn't really able to hold longer conversations.
Once I had shook hands with Shinpei, I was on the side and about to walk off until... I noticed I had left my newly bought bag to SuG's side, on a place where it had been put so it wouldn't be in the picture. Luckily one of the staff's noticed it as well and she gave the bag to me. Quickly after that I noticed the doors to the concert hall had been opened. I went inside quickly and notived, that there were really good places left in the first row, which were on the left side. The places were the once, I really wanted. ('cause Yuji is my fav!)
Mä sit otin kunnon spurtin, vaikkei lähistöllä kyllä kukaan ollutkaan uhkaamassa paikkaa. Sit kun pääsin ottamaan oman paikkani, mun jalat pettivät. Kirjaimellisesti olin hetken polvien varassa, kunnes sit pääsin taas nousemaan. Kun huomasin lisää ihmisiä tulevan tilaan, olin paikalla vähän leveämmin, koska tiesin, että Suski ja Anni tulevat kohta, joten varasin heille paikkaa. Ja pian he tulivatkin.
I started to run fast even though there really were no one to take the places I had just spotted. When I got to the place I wanted, my feet couldn't carry me anymore 'cause of all the emotions and feels. So literally I was on my knees for a moment until I got up again. When I noticed more people coming to the hall, I stood a bit wider 'cause I knew Anni and Suski would come right after and I wanted to keep a place for them. And soon I saw them.

I started to run fast even though there really were no one to take the places I had just spotted. When I got to the place I wanted, my feet couldn't carry me anymore 'cause of all the emotions and feels. So literally I was on my knees for a moment until I got up again. When I noticed more people coming to the hall, I stood a bit wider 'cause I knew Anni and Suski would come right after and I wanted to keep a place for them. And soon I saw them.

(c) Anni
Niina oli mun vieressä keikalla, oikealla puolella. Ei tunnettu ennen keikkaa, mut siinä setin alkamista odotellessa oli hyvää aikaa puhua ja ystävystyttiin~ On ihanaa oppia tuntemaan lisää jrock porukkaa. ♥ Ennen keikkaa kans katselin vähän sitä lavaa ja tajusin, että Chiyu tulee olemaan siinä melkein nenän edessä ja Yuji on kans lähellä.
Tässä vaiheessa on varmaan hyvä varoittaa, että en tuu välttämättä (luultavasti) kertomaan asioita siinä järjestyksessä kun ne tapahtui. Kaikki on sekoittunut mun päässäni siten, etten osaa sanoa sanoiko Takeru tämän repliikin tässä vai tässä MC kohdassa. Joten olen pahoillani, jos sellaista alusta loppuun meininkiä etsitte. ^^;
Niina was next to me on the gig, on the right side. We didn't know each other before the gig, but before the show started we had some time to talk and become friends~ It so nice to get to know more people, who like jrock. ♥ Before the concert I looked at the stage and realized that Chiyu is going to be right in front of me and Yuji will be close as well.
I guess this is good time to warn you that I won't be (most probably) telling the staff in a correct order. (like this the thing x happened this and the thing b happened then.) Everything is more or less mixed up in my head that I can't say for sure, if Takeru said thing y on this MC part or the one after. So I apologize if you're looking for a post, where the things happening are listed on the beginning - end way. ^^;
Keikka lähti liikkeelle MISSING:illä. Tää oli yksi niistä kappaleista, jota olin luukuttanut kunnolla. Arvatkaapa vaan, kuka lauloi kurkku suorana mukana? :D Chiyu tais tosin tykätä siitä, koska tää basisti pommitti mua keikan aikana plektroilla. Ensimmäinen plektra lensi mua kohti jo ensimmäisen kahden biisin aikana (en muista oliko se ensimmäisen vai toisen biisin aikana joten...). Chiyu tähtäs mun SuG laukkuun, joka oli siinä aidan edessä. Se kuitenkin missas sen todella pienesti ja plektra tipahti suoraan laukun eteen. Siinä kohdilla oli kuitenkin kameramies, joka nosti plektran ja antoi sen suoraan mulle.
Seuraava plektra tuli tosta parin biisin päästä. Ihmettelin, mihin Anni sukelsi. Sitten hän näytti plektraa ja sanoi, että Chiyu heitti sen ihan tohon sun viereen. (En huomannut, kun olin niin innoissani tekemässä fureja jne.) Sit kolmas plektra tuli suoraan olkapäähän ja sit se tippui siitä mun taakse. Mut en ruvennut sen enempää niistä tappelemaan, mulla oli jo se yksi.
The gig started off with MISSING. This was one of the songs that I had listened a lot. Guess who sang at the top of my lungs= :D I guess Chiyu liked that tho, since he tossed few picks to me. First one came during the two first songs (I'm not quite sure, did he toss it during the first or second song so...). Chiyu tried to toss it to my SuG bag, which was right in front of me, in front of the fence. He missed it a bit tho and the pick dropped in front of the bag. A cameraman was around and he picked it up and gave it to me.
Next pick came after couple of songs. I was wondering what Anni was doing. The she showed me the pick and told, that Chiyu had tossed it right next to me. (I was so into the gig and doing furis that I didn't even notice.) The third pick came straight towards me, hitting my shoulder and then it dropped right behind me. But I didn't want to start 'fighting' for it, since I already had one.
Keikan alussa Chiyu oli muutenkin tosi innoissaan ja hän onnistuikin rikkomaan bassonsa heti kättelyssä. Siinä sit odoteltiin hetki, ja jäsenet pyytelivät anteeksi. Eipä siinä mitään, päästiin juttelemaan hetki. Ja jutellahan nämä jäsenet osasivat!
Chiyu was so excited that he managed to break his bass during the very first songs. We waited for a small moment and the members were apologizing about it. It really didn't mind tho, we were able to talk for a minute. And I can say, that these members really knew how to talk with audience!
Takeru kertoi, että jos maksamme 5 miljoona heidän yhtiölleen, he voivat jäädä Suomeen ilahduttamaan iäksi. :D Lisäksi Takeru sai yleisöltä naurahdukset puhuessaan Masatosta she:nä. Masato itsekin parahti "SHE?" Takeru tokaisi nauravalle yleisölle, että hän on nähnyt meitä enemmän, koska SuG:illa on yhteinen pukuhuone. Tämän jälkeen hän kysyi, haluammeko nähdä. (Viitaten Masatoon.) Yleisö huusi myöntävään sävyyn, mutta mustahiuksinen kitaristi ei ollut asiasta niin innostunut. Chiyu sen sijaan päätti antaa silmänruokaa ja alkoi nostaa paitaansa... kunnes Masato tuli Chiyun eteen kädet puuskassa. "Ei minun vuorollani."
"Anna suukko poskelle", oli lause, jonka Shinpei sanoi yleisölle. Joku huusi siitä sitten "puspus", jonka Takeru kuuli "push push" ja tokaisi, että onpas tuhmaa. (naughty/dirty) Mutta vokalisti päätyi kuitenkin melkein heti kysymään yleisöltä: "Do you want to push me" ?! Logiikka. :D
Takeru told us that if we buy 5 millions to their company, they can stay in Finland, with us forever. :D Takeru made audience laugh, when he was addressing Masato as she. Masato himself also was like "SHE?" Takeru told to the laughing audience, that he had seen more than us because all the members use the same dressing room. After the he asked, if we'd like to see. (he was still talking about Masato) Audience had very positive reaction towards the question but black haired guitarist wasn't too happy about it. In stead Chiyu decided to give us some eye candy and started to raise his shirt's hem... until Masato went to stand in front of him, while having his arms crossed. "Not on my watch."
"Give a kiss on the cheek" was a sentence that Shinpei said to the audience. Someone shouted "pus pus" (means something like kissy kissy) and Takeru heard that ash "push push" and said, that's naughty. (naughty/dirty) But almost immediately the vocalist was asking us: "Do you want to push"?! Logic. :D
Siinä eturivissä voin sanoa, että oli kyl tosi vip olo. Monet jäsenistä haki keikan aikana katsekontaktia. Etenkin Chiyu ja Yuji vähän niin kuin "palkitsi", sen jos kiinnitit yhtään enempää huomiota. :D Nauran edelleen sille, kun Chiyu ja Yuji tuli kummatkin siihen nenän eteen soittamaan ja siinä sit yrittää päättää, että kumpaa tässä nyt katsoisi. Mun katse vaelsi enemmän Yujin puolelle, koska suosikki jo kuudetta vuotta, ja näin sivusilmällä kuinka Chiyu vähän heilutti päätään. Oli sellainen kunnon "do not approve" hetki. :'D
Masato oli ihana, kun tullessaan lavan toiselta puolelta meidän puolelle, hän aina ensitöikseen kumartui vähän ja haki katsekontaktin. Olin aina vähän "taken aback", koska en oo usein törmännyt tällaiseen.
While being in the front row, I can say that I really had a vip feeling. Many of the members were trying to make eye contact during the concert. Especially Chiyu and Yuji kind of "repaid" you if you were giving them slightly more attention. :D It still makes me laugh when I remember, when both, Chiyu and Yuji, came to play right in front of me and I was trying to figure out whom I should watch closer now. I was looking at Yuji more, 'cause he's been my favorite since 6 years ago but in the corner of my eye, I saw how Chiyu was shaking his head a little. He did not approve, I see. :'D
Masata was lovely, when he came from the other side of the stage to our side, firstly he bent a little and made eye contact. I was a little "taken aback", since I haven't experienced that a lot before.
Kappalelista oli ihana, ainakin mun makuun oli mukavasti uudempia ja vanhempia kappaleita. Hypetys oli katossa koko ajan - fureja tuli tehtyä urakalla. Mukana oli osia, mihin ei oltu varmoja fureista, jolloin Chiyu siinä edessä näytti nopeasti mallia. Yuji tykkäs kuulla ilahtuneita ja innostunutta huutoa, joten usein hän tuli siihen lavan reunalle, nojasi vähän eteenpäin ja laittoi käden korvalle. Sit kun osoitettiin meidän huudot hänelle niin saatiin aina palkkioksi tyytyväinen hymy tai virnistys.
The set list was lovely, at least for my taste there was a good mix of newer and older songs. The hype and energy was up whole time - I did furis a lot. There were few parts, where I wasn't at all sure what I should do now (still talking about furis) but during those moments Chiyu showed me the moves. Yuji liked to hear our happy and excited cheers, so he often came to the edge of the stage, bent a little forward and put a hand to his ear. When we cheered to him, he gave us an adorable and pleased smile or grin.
Love Scream Party päätti sen ensimmäisen setin ja se kappale oli kultaa. Se oli se, mitä eniten toivoin kuulevani. Love Scream Party on mun ihan ultimaattinen suosikkini SuG:n kappaleista ja olin enemmän kuin innoissani. ♥ Tehtiin niitä fureja ja laulettiin kurkku suorana. Yleensä muistan noi sanat ulkoa ja pystyn laulamaan hyvin biisin mukana, mut sit keikalla kun joku jäsen tuli siihen eteen, lavan reunalle kuuntelemaan, tuli sellainen "sonat sakaisin" fiilis. Kappaleen aikana Chiyu kans päätti laittaa panokset korkeemmalle, tuli siihen ihan meidän eteen ja alkoi nostaa paitaansa ylös.
Sit Love Scream Partyn jälkeen jäsenet kiittelivät hetken lavalla ja tulivat antamaan läppyjä. Shinpei oli ihanan energinen kun hän hyppäsi rumpujen takaa ja juoksi yleisöä kohti. Masato antoi mulle kahden läpyt, koska unohti, että oli antanut mulle jo läpyt ennestään. Tosin se viimein oli sellainen, et Masato tarras mun ranteesta kiinni ja veti kätensä pois niin, et hän liutti kätensä mun kättä pitkin. (en osaa selittää, mut siis ei päästänyt irti.) Ja Yuji tarras mun sormenpäistä kiinni.
Love Scream Party ended the first part of the set and the song was pure gold. It was the song, that I had hoped to hear the most. Love Scream Party is my ultimate favorite song from SuG's songs and I was more than excited. ♥ We did the furis and sang at the top of our lungs. Normally I remember the lyrics really well and can singalong during the song with no problem but on the gig, when a member came right in front of me to the edge to listen, I had a feeling like I lost my ability to sing correctly. During the song Chiyu decided to make the song ever hotter and came in front of us (meaning me and my friends) and raised the hem of his shirt. (I feel like I sound really horrible person now. Gosh sorry. :'D)
After the song members thanked us for a while and came to give us high fives. Shinpei was adorably energetic when he jumped off behind the drums and ran towards the audience. Masato gave me two high fives, because he forgot that he had gave me one already. Although the other was more like that Masato grabbed my wrist and pulled his hand slowly away, like he slid his hand on top of mine. ( I can't really explain but well. He didn't let go.) And Yuji grabbed my fingertips.
(Picture taken from here)
Sit oli encoren aika. Encoren aikana (jos oikein muistan), Takeru kysyi vähän kaikkien fiiliksiä - pyysi sanomaan jotain. Aikaisemmin Yuji oli sanonut "minun nimeni on Yuji" ja nyt hän aloitti puheen samalla tavalla. "Minun nimeni on..." oletin, että hän toistaa saman, kun aikaisemmin. Sen sijaan hän tokaisi: "SEPPO." Oon aika varma, ettei kukaan osannut aavistaa tätä, jonka vuoksi koko yleisö repesi. Mäkin olin menettää tasapainoni naurun takia, mut onneksi pystyin nojaamaan aitaan. Sitten yleisöstä kuului "seppo chan", jonka tietysti Takeru kuuli ja hetken aikaa toisteli tätä.
Chiyu tarjosi taas vähän fanserviceä ja käveli lavan oikeaan reunaan. Hän osoitteli ihmisiä ja tokaisi mikkiin, "nätti, nätti, nätti, söpö söpö" ja hän käveli lavaa takaisin vasenta reunaa päin, osoitteli muutamia faneja ja kommentoi heidän ulkonäköään. Päästessään takaisin paikalleen, hän osoittua mua ja tokaisi nätti. Sit sen jälkeen Chiyu osoitti Yujia ja tokaisi: "Seppo!" Johon Yuji vastasi: "perkele" oikein suomalaisella ärrällä. Ja taas koko yleisö nauroi.
Then it was time for encore. During that (if I remember correctly), Takeru asked every members feelings - asked them to say something. Yuji had said "minun nimeni on Yuji" (My name is Yuji) earlier and this time he stared with the same. "Minun nimeni on..." I was sure that he'd repeat what he said earlier. In stead he said: "SEPPO." (If you're not Finnish, you might not get why it's so fun. But Seppo is a character on a Finnish show called Salatut Elämät.) I'm quite sure no one was seeing this coming, which why the whole audience was laughing so hard. I, for example, was laughing so hard that I almost lost my balance but luckily I had something to lean on. (fence) Then someone shouted from the audience "seppo chan", and Takeru heard that of course and repeated it for a while.
Chiyu decided to give some more fan service and he walked to stage's right side. He pointed at few people and said to his mic "nätti, nätti, nätti, söpö, söpö" (pretty, pretty, pretty, cute, cute) and he walked towards the left side and pointed at few fans and told something about their looks. When he was back to his place he pointed at me and said pretty. After that Chiyu pointed at Yuji and said: "Seppo!" where Yuji answered: "perkele" with a Finnish "r" sounds. And again the audience was laughing hard. (Meaning it was like perrrrkele)
Encore koostui kahdesta kappaleesta. Toista ei oltu ennen julkaistu (tulee olemaan SuG:in uudella singlellä, joka julkaistaan maaliskuussa!) ja SuG halusi kuvata kappaleeseen musiikkivideon fanien kanssa. Ainakin mitä muistelen, kappale oli oikein mukava. Viimeinen kappale oli 39GalaxyZ ja sen aikana riehuttiin oikein kunnolla. Tää on se kappale, johon osaan furit vaikka unissani. Ja sanat kans. Oli ihanaa kun kuuli yleisön laulavan yhdessä.
Encore consisted of two songs. Other was was not yet published (it will be on SuG's new single, which will be out on March!) and SuG wanted to film the music video to the song with fans. What I remember was that the song was very nice. The last song was 39GalaxyZ and during that song, we were really getting crazy. This is the song, which furis I can do even while sleeping. And I know the lyrics well as well. It was so awesome to hear the audience singing together.
hitori hitori bitsuna kokoro de
sasae au kono no basho ga
sasae au kono no basho ga
nakusenai nakushitaku wa nai
tatta hitotsu no kyobasho nanda
tatta hitotsu no kyobasho nanda
The last hey hey 39galaxyz shouts and the concert was wrapped. Well in the very end there was a part when we were asked to grab the hand of the person next to us and jump at the same time (when we were told) The members took pictures and videos. It was quite funny to spot yourself after the concert on, for example, Chiyu's instagram video.
Kiitellessä Yuji tuli lavanreunalle ja katseli yleisöä edessään. Mulla oli furien jäljiltä kädet ylhäällä ja heilutin hänelle hymyillen. Yuji sit katsoi mua hetken suoraan silmiin ja hymyili. Sit ihan yhtäkkiä hän otti mua kummastakin käsivarresta kiinni (Ja puhun siis nyt ranteen ja kyynärpään välisestä alueesta) ja pysyi paikallaan, rikkomatta katsekontakia. Se ote oli tosi voimakas, ei silleen et satuttais mutten saanut kyllä käsiänikään liikutettua/vedettyä pois. Se koko tilanne oli jotenkin tosi absurdi ja semi awkward kun ei tiennyt, miten tässä nyt pitäisi toimia. :D
Myös muut jäsenet tulivat antamaan läppyjä ja lähtivät sitten lavalta. Lavalle oli jäänyt pari settilistaa, jotka yksi staffeista kävi hakemassa. Sit kun hän oli saanut ne kauniiseen pinoon käsissään, hän käveli meidän luokse ja ojensi settilistan. Mä itse olen onnelinen Shinpein settilistan omistaja. ♥
While thanking, Yuji came to the edge of the stage and looked at the audience in front of him. I still had my arms up in the air after doing the furis and I waved at him a bit while smiling. Yuji made an eye contact with me and stared at me for a short time while smiling. Then suddenly he grabbed my both arms (I'm talking about the space between wrist and elbow) and just...stayed at there not breaking the eye contact. His grip was strong, not like it hurt but I couldn't really move my hands. The whole thing was so absurd and semi awkward, since I didn't know what to do. :D
The other members came to give us high fives as well before leaving the stage. On the stage, there were few set lists and one of the staffs went there to grab them. Then he put them in a beautiful pile, walked towards us and gave us set lists. Now I'm happy owner of Shinpei's set list. ♥ (tbh I didn't even begging for him to give it to me, he just walked to me and hand it to me.)
Keikan jälkeen narikkaan oli suuri ryysis, joten päätin jäädä odottamaan hetkeksi sisälle. Tarjolla oli kans vettä, joka tosiaan tuli tarpeeseen! Näin paljon kavereita keikan jälkeen ja moikkailin ja vaihdettiin muutama sana. Kun pääsin hakemaan itselleni vesilasin näin Sannan ja jäätin juttelemaan keikasta - kerroin meet&greetistä jne. Pian keskusteluun liittyi myös Mimo. Nähtiin kuinka tilaan asteli yksi keikan kuvaajista (se joka ojensi mulle plektran!) ja staffi, joka oli ojentanut meet&greetissä mun laukkuni,joka jäi siihen etualalle. He suuntasivat meidän luoksemme - tässä kohtaa huomasin, että Mimo oli ehtinyt valua paikalta.
Kun he olivat meidän edessämme, meiltä kysyttiin, saako meitä haastatella. Vastattiin Sannan kanssa myöntävästi ja sit meiltä kysyttiin mm. mitä mieltä ollaan SuG:ista, mikä heissä on parasta jne. JA TÄÄ KAIKKI OLI SIIS ENGLANNIKSI. Siinä vaiheessa kyllä olin niin iloinen, että oon harjoitellut puhumista, koska muuten en olis varmaan saanut kovin montaa järkevää sanaa suustani... Mä myös päädyin matkimaan Yujin perrrkele huudahdusta.
After the gig, there were a lot of people trying to get into cloakroom so I decided to stay inside for a moment. There was some water served, which was really needed! I saw lots of friends after the gig, greeted them and we talked for a while. When I got myself a glass of water I saw Sanna and we started to talk about the gig - I told her about the meet&greet etc. Soon Mimo joined our conversation. We saw how one of the photographers (the one who handed me the pick!) and the staff who handed me my bag, when I almost forgot it after meeting with SuG and having the picture taken, came to the hall. They started to head towards us - and at this point, I noticed that Mimo had disappeared.
When the staffs were in front of us, they asked if they could interview us for a little. Sanna and I said yes and we were asked for example, what do we think of SuG and what's the best thing about then etc. AND IT WAS ALL IN ENGLISH. At that point, I was so happy that I have been practicing my English skills in talking aspect. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have been able to talk anything, that'd make even little sense... I also found myself mimicking Yuji's perrrkele.
Shoeselfie, when we noticed we had same styled shoes! :D
(c) Niina
(c) Niina
Ryysis ei ollut vieläkään kunnolla helpottanut, joten oltiin sisällä vielä hetki. Mimo ja Niina löysivät mut ja Sannan uudestaan ja juteltiin siinä hetki jos toinenkin. Nähtiin lähistöllä meet&greetissä ollut tulkki, joten käytiin Niinan kanssa kiittämässä häntä. Sit päästiinkin jo hyvin hakemaan tavarat narikassa. Ulkona jäätin sit vielä odottelemaan, josko jäsenet tulisivat ulos. Se oli kyl aika troll aikaa kun tuli sillee "jaa nyt ne tulee vai? Ai ei vielä" jne. Ensin Mimon piti lähteä ja sanoin heipat. Sit olin Sannan kanssa siinä pihalla, mut sit Sannankin piti lähteä, ennen kuin jäsenet ehtivät tulla ulos.
There were still lots of people in the cloakroom so we were inside another moment. Mimo and Niina found back to me and Sanna and we talked a little more. We spotted the meet & greet's interpreter and we went to thank her with Niina. After that we were able to get our things from the cloakroom. Outside we decided to stay and wait to see, if the members would come out anytime soon. It was kind of "full of false alarm" time - like "oh they are coming now? oh not yet" etc. Mimo had to leave first and we said goodbye to get. Then I was waiting with Sanna but she had to leave as well, before the members came outside.
Sannan lähtiessä oli hetken tosi jäätävä olo, koska en aluksi nähnyt ketään tuttua. Ja henkinen tuki ei koskaan ole tällaisissa tilanteissa pahitteeksi. Onneksi näin Niinan (olin ehtinyt kadottaa hänet aikaisemmin!) ja huokasin helpotuksesta. Siinä sit seistiin vierekkäin ja sitten jäsenet tulivat. Tykkään suomalaisissa siitä, että vaikka jäädäänkin sanomaan heipat, kukaan harvemmin häiritsee jäseniä / blokkaa tietä tms. Kiiteltiin siinä jäseniä ja huikkasin mä nopean oyasuminasain, johon Shinpei vastasi "Oyasumi."
When Sanna left, I was feeling very awkward 'cause I couldn't spot anyone familiar... And a mental support didn't sound too bad of an idea. Luckily I saw Niina (I had someone manage to lost her earlier!) and I felt relieved. We stood there side by side and then the members came out. I like Finnish fans 'cause even we stay outside to say bye, everyone is giving them their own space. I thanked the members and said quickly oyasuminasai, where Shinpei answered "Oyasumi."
Kun auto lähti, lähtivät myös suurin osa Tavastian ulkopuolella olevista ihmisistä. Me jäätiin tosin Niinan kanssa siihen ulkopuolelle - istuttiin portaalle ja purettiin tuntemuksia keikasta. Siinä vaiheessa silmät alkoivat jo vähän kostua. Huomasin kans vasta siinä vaiheessa siinä etuovien vieressä olevan lasisen ilmoitustaulun, jossa oli esite keikasta. Melkein heti Tavastian työntekijä tuli ulos rakennuksesta ja avasi taulua, jolloin rohkenin kohteliaasti kysyä, josko voisin saada esitejulisteen. Sain myöntävän vastauksen ja hän ojensi mulle kysymäni paperin ja kiitin.
Pian tän jälkeen meidän ohi käveli kolmen miehen joukko. Yksi miehistä huomasi mun sylissä olevan polaroid kuvan (oltiin just puhumassa kuvaustilanteesta) ja kysyi englanniksi, voisiko katsoa sitä. Vastasin sit myöntävästi ja joukko pysähtyi juttelemaan hetkeksi. Heti kuvan katsomisen jälkeen, meille sanottiin, että bändi on jo lähtenyt. Kerrottiin sitten, että ollaan tietoisia tästä ja jaetaan tässä vaan jälkifiiliksiä. Juteltiin siinä sit hetki ja päästiin mm. kertomaan keikasta ja yleisömäärästä. Kun miehet olivat jatkamassa matkaansa, meiltä kysyttiin vielä , jos oltais haluttu liittyä mukaan illanistujaisiin. Kieltäydyttiin kohteliasti ja huikkasin vielä,et seuraavana aamuna on aikainen herätys.
When the car left, most of the people outside Tavastia left as well. We stayed behind with Niina - sat on the stair and started to talk about the gig. There and then I could feel my eyes getting a bit watery already. I noticed just then, that next to the front door, there was a notice board and on the board, there was a ad poster of the concert. Almost immediately after that, a Tavastia staff came outside of the building and opened the notice board. I politely asked if I could have the poster. She said I could and gave the poster to me and I thanked.
Soon after that, a group of three men walked by us. One of the men noticed the polaroid picture I had (we were just talking about the photo session) and asked in English, if he could see it. I said of course and showed it to him and the group started to talk with us. Right after they had looked at the picture we were told, that the band left already. We told that we were aware of that but we are just talking about the gig and sharing out after-the-gig feelings. We talked a little bit and we were able to tell them about the gig and amount of audience. When the men were about to continue their way, they asked if we would have wanted to join them. We declined politely and I told them, that I was about to have an early wake up the next morning.
Ei kulunut paria minuuttiakaan, kun Tavastian eteen tuli toinen mieshenkilö. Hän kokeili paikan ovea ja kyseli SuG:n keikan perään. Mainoksessa oli nimittäin sanottu, että keikka kestäisi 01 asti. Kerrottiin siinä sitten, että keikka ehti jo loppua. Siinä sit juteltiin musiikista muutama hetki - puhuttiin keikasta, SuG:sta ylipäätänsä ja jrockista.
Kun tää keskustelu päättyi ja mies lähti takaisin, noustiin viimein portailta ja lähdettiin Kamppia kohden. Kun Niina lähti bussia kohden, suuntasin jalkani kohti hotellia. Siellä Tuizi katseli televisiota. Kerroin keikasta ja puhuin hetken kavereiden kanssa twitterissä, mut väsymys oli aika kova siinä vaiheessa ja melko nopeasti mentiin nukkumaan.... koska kuten aikaisemmin miesporukalle olin sanonut, mulla oli aikainen herätys edessä.
It didn't take more than minute or two, when another man came in front of Tavastia. He tried the door and asked us if we knew anything about the SuG's gig. on the ad it was been stated that the concert would last till 1 a.m. We told him that the gig had already ended. We talked about music for a few moments - talked about the gig, SuG and Jrock.
When this conversation was wrapped, the man left back to where he came and we finally left the stairs and began to walk towards Kamppi. When Niina left to her bus, I went back to the hotel. There Tuizi was watching television. I told her a little about the gig and talked with few friends on twitter but I started to feel really sleepy and soon I and Tuizi went off to bed... Because as I had earlier said to the group of men, I was having an early wake up ahead.
Sellainen keikka. Kiitos kaikille, jotka oli mun menossa mukana - kaikki keikkailijat ja erityisesti ne, jotka moikkasivat ja vaihtoivat pari sanaa. Ihan suuri speciaalikiitos kaikki joiden kanssa vietin aikaa enemmänkin. ♥ Kiitos erityisesti henkisestä tuesta, koska kuten tästä voi lukea, se tuli tarpeeseen.
So that kind of gig. I want to thank everyone who was there - the audience and specially the ones, who came to greet me and talked for a while. And a superspecialthanks to the ones whom I spent time more. ♥ Very big thanks to the mental support, 'cause as you can read, I really needed that.
BTW I'd like to hear your opinion of the writing style of this gig post! Is it okay? Is the fangirling annoying in between the 'story' or should I make a own part of it / make it fewer.