Now it's time for the second part of my concert experience. If you haven't yet read the part one, you can go to check it out from here. The first part includes the trip to Helsinki, lining up and the concert's highlights. This part (Part 2) includes the concert's encore and VIP ticket events.
Tämä settilista julkaistiin Block B'n keikan FB-ryhmässä. (Eli en omista tätä!) Kyseessä on siis Pariisin setti, mutta samat kappaleet esitettiin myös Suomessa, samassa järjestyksessä. (Sen verran voisin valaista, että U must up:illa meinataan Tell Them:iä.)
This is the set list, which was shared in Block B concert's FB-group. (I don't own it!) It's actually a picture of Paris setlist, but the songs and order were same in Finland. (The "U must up" means Tell Them, in case you were wondering.)
Keikalle oltiin tehty reilu määrä bannereita, jotka sit jaettiin jonossa ennen keikkaa.
Bannerien oli tarkoitus nousta Nice Day:n jälkeen. Joukossa oli kuitenkin hieman epäselvyyttä asiasta ja bannerimeri syntyi jo Nalinan alkaessa ja kestikin ihan keikan loppumetreille saakka.
There were many banners made for the gig, and we got them while we waited the doors to open. As you can see, on this setlist, it's marked when we are supposed to rise the banners.
The original plan was, that we'd rise the banners after Nice Day. Everyone didn't know this (I guess) and the banner ocean started to form, when Nalina started and it stayed till the end of the concert.
There were many banners made for the gig, and we got them while we waited the doors to open. As you can see, on this setlist, it's marked when we are supposed to rise the banners.
The original plan was, that we'd rise the banners after Nice Day. Everyone didn't know this (I guess) and the banner ocean started to form, when Nalina started and it stayed till the end of the concert.
Ettei mitään epäselvyyttä syntyisi, en siis syytä ketään! :D Mulla henkilökohtaisesti ei ole mitään sitä vastaan, että bannerit olivat pystyssä niin pitkään. Itse tilanteessa olin tosin todella hämmentynyt, kun muistin, että Nice Day:sta oli puhetta.
And before someone gets a wrong picture, I'm not blaming anyone for rising the banner before the original plan! :D In my case, I didn't really mind. I was just super confused during the moment, 'cause I remembered the talk about Nice Day.
Kuten setistä näkeekin, encore alkoi Nalinalla. Kys. kappale oli yksi niistä, mitä oikein kovasti halusin kuulla keikalla, joten olin hyvin innoissani sen tullessa kohdalle. B-Bombin soolotanssin kohdalla olin niin omassa tilassa, etten edes kuullut muiden ihmisten kiljumista/huutamista ja musta tuntui, että olen ainoa, joka hihkuu. (Jälkeenpäin kuulin, että en todellakaan ollut. :DD) Toi kappale livenä on jättänyt sellaiset muistot, että juuri ennen B-Bombin soolotanssin kohtaa, mulle tulee edelleen tosi innostunut olo. Näkisittepä, kun yritän laulaa Nalinaa karaokessa. :p
As you can see, encore was started with Nalina. The said song was one of the songs, I hoped to hear so much. That's why I was super excited, when it started. During the time, when B-Bomb had his own solo dance, I was so in awe that I couldn't really hear the audience and I felt like on that moment, I was the only one cheering. (Afterwards I heard, that I definitely wasn't. :DD) The live version of the song has left so strong memories to me, that still, just before B-Bomb's solo dance part, I'm getting super excited. You should see me, when I'm trying to sing Nalina on karaoke. :p
As you can see, encore was started with Nalina. The said song was one of the songs, I hoped to hear so much. That's why I was super excited, when it started. During the time, when B-Bomb had his own solo dance, I was so in awe that I couldn't really hear the audience and I felt like on that moment, I was the only one cheering. (Afterwards I heard, that I definitely wasn't. :DD) The live version of the song has left so strong memories to me, that still, just before B-Bomb's solo dance part, I'm getting super excited. You should see me, when I'm trying to sing Nalina on karaoke. :p
Nice Day oli toinen kappale, jota odotin todella kovasti. Ennen keikkaa luukutin kappaletta kympillä! Kappale soi päässä kotona ja töissä. All my party people readyyyy~ ♫♪
Täpinöitä ei helpottanut yhtään se, että viimeisenä kappaleen ilmoille pärähti Very Good:in rough versio. Ennen kappaletta Zico huudatti yleisöä ja laittoi meidät laulamaan "i wanna rock right now" kohtaa. Normaalisti olisin tajunnut, mihin kappaleeseen tää liittyy mut sillä hetkellä hoin vain noita sanoja rytmissä ja tajusin, mihin Zico tähtäsi, vasta kappaleen aikana.
Nice Day was also a song, that I was waiting to hear so dearly. Before the concert, I had listened to it so much! The song kept on playing in my head at home and even when I was working. All my party people readyyyy~ ♫♪
The encore's excitement didn't go down one bit, when Very Good's rough version came. Before the song, Zico made us sing the "I wanna rock right now" part. In a normal state of mind, I would have figured the song from that moment, but during that time I just kept on singing/cheering that part on the correct rhythm and understood what Zico had just done, once the song started.
Nice Day was also a song, that I was waiting to hear so dearly. Before the concert, I had listened to it so much! The song kept on playing in my head at home and even when I was working. All my party people readyyyy~ ♫♪
The encore's excitement didn't go down one bit, when Very Good's rough version came. Before the song, Zico made us sing the "I wanna rock right now" part. In a normal state of mind, I would have figured the song from that moment, but during that time I just kept on singing/cheering that part on the correct rhythm and understood what Zico had just done, once the song started.
Picture from Block B FB page
Ennen kun oli aika sanoa heipat Block B'lle, he kiittelivät keikasta. Lavalla otettiin kuva (jossa Jaehyolla on Suomen lippu... tosin väärin päin. :'D). Taustalla voi myös nähdä bannerimeren, josta puhuin. Sit jäsenet käveli lavalla vilkutellen faneilleen, ennen kuin katosivat takahuoneeseen.
Ihmiset alkoivat lähteä ja me siirryttiin Tuizin kanssa taaemmaksi ottamaan henkeä. Jalat tuntuivat makaroneilta jo tässä vaiheessa, jonka vuoksi oli pakko istahtaa hetkeksi. Odoteltiin hetken aikaa Emmiä ja Veeraa, mut hetken odottelun jälkeen mentiin nimikirjoitusjonon jatkoksi, unohtamatta "tavaraa, johon saadaan nimmarit".... joka oli muuten A4 paperiarkki harmailla kuusikulmioilla ja "block party" tekstillä ehostettuna.
Before Block B said their byes to the audience, they thanked us for the concert and take the picture. ( And Jaehyo has Finnish flag... tho he's holding it upside down. :'D). You can also see the banner ocean, that I have mentioned earlier. After this the members walked on stage a while and waved to their fans before they went to backstage.
People started to leave the place and we went to the back of the room with Tuizi, to take a deep breathe. I felt like my feet would fail me anytime soon, and I would fall down, which why I wanted to sit for a moment. We waited for Veera and Emmi for a moment but soon decided to just go to the autograph session line. We, of course, didn't forget to go get our "thing, which will be signed"... which was a A4 paper with grey hexagons on it and a "block party" text.
Before Block B said their byes to the audience, they thanked us for the concert and take the picture. ( And Jaehyo has Finnish flag... tho he's holding it upside down. :'D). You can also see the banner ocean, that I have mentioned earlier. After this the members walked on stage a while and waved to their fans before they went to backstage.
People started to leave the place and we went to the back of the room with Tuizi, to take a deep breathe. I felt like my feet would fail me anytime soon, and I would fall down, which why I wanted to sit for a moment. We waited for Veera and Emmi for a moment but soon decided to just go to the autograph session line. We, of course, didn't forget to go get our "thing, which will be signed"... which was a A4 paper with grey hexagons on it and a "block party" text.
Oltiin Tuizin kanssa jonon loppupäässä ja näin kuinka jono lähti etenemään. Aluksi kaikki saivat siis nimikirjoitukset, jonka jälkeen ihmiset menivät uudelleen jonoon kuvaa varten. Hetken jonottamisen jälkeen Veera ja Emmi tulivat mun ja Tuizin luokse. He olivat ehtineet jonoon jo aiemmin ja olivat käyneet hakemassa nimmarit. Sovittiin, et kun ollaan Tuizin kanssa hankittu nimmarit, hypätään sit heidän luokseen jonossa, että päästään samaan kuvaan.
Samalla kuulin vähän järjestyksestä, tosin ainoa mitä mun aivot pystyi rekisteröimään oli, että B-Bomb oli ensimmäinen, joka antaa nimmarin ja että kolmen viimeisen kohdalla, paperi menee nopeasti. (He antavat paperin seuraavalle, eikä kuten alussa, että saat paperin takaisin ja annat sen seuraavalle jäsenelle.) Halusin itselleni vähän enemmän "valmistautumisaikaa", joten pyysin Tuizia menemään ensin.
We were quite in the end of the line and I saw, how the session started. First everyone got their autographs and then they went back to line for the picture. After a while of lining, Veera and Emmi came to me and Tuizi. They had been on the line already earlier and had their autographs. We decided that after Tuizi and I had gotten our autographs we'd try to get to the line with them, so we'd be able to be in the same group for the picture.
At the same time, I heard a little bit of the order. Tho the only thing my brains registered was, that B-Bomb was going to be the first one to give the autograph and that the last three give the paper to each other (so it's not like they give it back to me and I give it to the next one.) I wanted to have more time to "prepare" so I asked Tuizi to go first.
Voin tiivistää tähän kohtaan, miten toi fansign meni, jos ette halua/jaksa lukea pidempää sepitystä, josta saattaa ujosti paistaa läpi mun sisäinen fanityttöni, haha.
We were quite in the end of the line and I saw, how the session started. First everyone got their autographs and then they went back to line for the picture. After a while of lining, Veera and Emmi came to me and Tuizi. They had been on the line already earlier and had their autographs. We decided that after Tuizi and I had gotten our autographs we'd try to get to the line with them, so we'd be able to be in the same group for the picture.
At the same time, I heard a little bit of the order. Tho the only thing my brains registered was, that B-Bomb was going to be the first one to give the autograph and that the last three give the paper to each other (so it's not like they give it back to me and I give it to the next one.) I wanted to have more time to "prepare" so I asked Tuizi to go first.
Voin tiivistää tähän kohtaan, miten toi fansign meni, jos ette halua/jaksa lukea pidempää sepitystä, josta saattaa ujosti paistaa läpi mun sisäinen fanityttöni, haha.
- Järjestys B-Bomb > Zico > U-Kwon > Kyung > Jaehyo > Taeil > P.O
- Olin henkisesti hyvin jäässä koko tilaisuuden ajan, jonka vuoksi en meinannut saada edes kiitosta suusta
- Sanoissa takeltelu alkoi Zicon jälkeen
- Kyungin kohdalle päästyä Kyungin kynästä alkoi loppua muste.
- Tähän "kohtaamiseen" meni sen verran aikaa, että Jaehyo liutti paperin itselleen. PLOT TWIST olin jo ottamassa paperia itselleni, jonka vuoksi kyseinen jäsen liutti kätensä ensin mun käden päältä.
- Tän jälkeen tuntuu, että mun päässä on musta aukko, koska en muista yhtään mitään, mitä tapahtui.
- Seuraava muistikuva Jaehyon jälkeen on, että P.O ojentaa naureskellen lappua takaisin ja järjestyksenvalvoja ottaa mua olkapäästä kiinni ja ohjaa ovelle.
I can try to summarize the fansign here, in case you don't want to read the longer explanation, which might include a small bits of my shy fangirling...haha.
First of all, I want to say that I have found these pictures (of the members) from Google. So I don't know who they belong. (= credits to the one, who owns them.)
- The order B-Bomb > Zico > U-Kwon > Kyung > Jaehyo > Taeil > P.O
- I was in shock the whole time (mentally froze), which why I almost wasn't able to say even a simple thank you to them.
- Struggling with words started after Zico
- When I got in front of Kyung, Kyung's pen didn't work properly.
- Our "moment" took that much time, that Jaehyo decided to take the paper to himself instead of letting me give it to him. PLOT TWIST I was already taking the paper to myself, so Jaehyo first slid his hand on top of mine.
- After that encounter, there's a huge black hole in my memory. I don't remember at all, what happened.
- The first memory after that Jaehyo thing is, that P.O is giving the paper back to me and he's chuckling because of something. And then the security guard is holding my shoulder and leads the way towards the door back to the line for photo.
First of all, I want to say that I have found these pictures (of the members) from Google. So I don't know who they belong. (= credits to the one, who owns them.)
Tuizi oli koko tilanteen tosi rentona paitsi vähän ennen, kuin hänen vuoronsa oli. Silloin hän meinaan huomasi, kuka olisi ensimmäisenä rivissä. (Tässä kohtaa on hyvä tietää, että B-Bomb on Tuizin lempijäsen.) Kun oli mun vuoroni mennä hakemaan nimmareita, jäädyin hetkiseksi ovenkarmiin. Vaikka jäätyminen ei kestänytkään kovin kauaa, se kesti sen verran, että B-Bomb ehti katsoa ovelle päin. Kipitin sit paperini kanssa hänen luokseen ja saatuani paperin takaisin, sopersin jotain kiitoksen tapaista, johon hän vastasi.
Tuizi was really calm the whole time, expect a little moment before her turn. That was the moment she noticed, who was the first one to give the autograph. (This part it's good to know, that B-Bomb is Tuizi's bias.) When it was my turn to get the autograph I froze for a small moment. Well it was long enough that B-Bomb watched towards the door and on that moment I quickly came in front of him and gave him the paper. Once I got the paper back, I said something similar to "thank you" and he answered to that.
Tuizi was really calm the whole time, expect a little moment before her turn. That was the moment she noticed, who was the first one to give the autograph. (This part it's good to know, that B-Bomb is Tuizi's bias.) When it was my turn to get the autograph I froze for a small moment. Well it was long enough that B-Bomb watched towards the door and on that moment I quickly came in front of him and gave him the paper. Once I got the paper back, I said something similar to "thank you" and he answered to that.
Zico oli vuorossa seuraavana. Mä olin ajatellut, että kiitän kunnolla showsta, koska hän on leader jne. Mut siis siinä tilanteessa mun pää löi vaan vähän pidempää versiota kiitoksesta. Kun Zico sai nimmarinsa kirjoitettua, olin aikeissa kiittää, mutta mun ajatukset alkoi jummaamaan paikallaan kun Zico katsoikin suoraan silmiin ja hymyili ja kiitti. ( Sain suustani tyyliin vain "Thank....", kun tarkoituksena oli sanoa Thank you so much. )
Zico was the next one. I had thought that I'd thank him really well for the show since he's the leader etc. But on that exact moment, my brains could form only a longer version of thanks. When Zico had wrote his autograph, I was about to thank him but I was a bit taken aback, when Zico looked straight to the eye smiling sweetly and thanked. ( I was able to say only something like "Thank....." when I was about to say Thank you so much. )
Zico was the next one. I had thought that I'd thank him really well for the show since he's the leader etc. But on that exact moment, my brains could form only a longer version of thanks. When Zico had wrote his autograph, I was about to thank him but I was a bit taken aback, when Zico looked straight to the eye smiling sweetly and thanked. ( I was able to say only something like "Thank....." when I was about to say Thank you so much. )
Olin niin hämilläni (ja enemmän jäässä) sen hymyn voimasta, että U-Kwonin kohdalle päästyä kiitin jo heti paperia antaessa. U-Kwon nosti katseensa, katsoi vähän hämillään ja kiitti takaisin. Sit kun sain sen paperin takaisin, olin vähän awkward. Pitäisikö kiittää vielä uudelleen vai...? Tbh se tilanne meni niin nopeasti, etten edes tiedä/muista, mihin ratkaisuun päädyin.
I was still taken aback (or mentally freezing) because of the smile that once I got to U-Kwon, I already thanked him on that moment. U-Kwon raised his eyes from the paper and looked at me a bit confused and thanked me back. Then when I got the paper back, it was slightly awkward. Should I thank him again or...? Tbh it went by so quickly, that I don't know/can't remember if I thanked him again or not.
I was still taken aback (or mentally freezing) because of the smile that once I got to U-Kwon, I already thanked him on that moment. U-Kwon raised his eyes from the paper and looked at me a bit confused and thanked me back. Then when I got the paper back, it was slightly awkward. Should I thank him again or...? Tbh it went by so quickly, that I don't know/can't remember if I thanked him again or not.
Sit pääsin Kyungin kohdalle ja Kyung katsoi heti kättelyssä silmiin leveä hymy huulillaan, tervehti ja kiitti keikasta. Tervehdin ja kiitin sekä tietysti annoin paperin nimmaria varten. Olin ihan jäässä edelleen ja hämmentynyt tilanteesta missä olin, haha. Kyung oli kirjoittamassa nimmariaan, mutta se ei onnistunutkaan ihan niin helposti, sillä hänen kynästään oli kaiketi loppumassa muste. Tai sit se vaan reistaili muuten ja nimikirjoituksen jälki oli todella haalea. Kyung naurahti hieman nolostuneena kynän tepposelle.
Koska haalea nimikirjoitus ei kelvannut Kyungille, hän kirjoitti nimikirjoitukset uudelleen siten, että painoi tussia kovemmin paperiin ja teki sen hitaammin. (Tyylillä viiva...viiva jne.) Se nimmari on hieman eri kohdassa kuin haalea, jonka vuoksi tiesinkin heti paperia katsoessa, mikä oli Kyungin nimmari.
When I got to in front of Kyung, he looked at me straight to eye, said hello and thanked for the concert while having a big smile on his face. I said the same things to him and gave the paper to him. Kyung wrote his autograph BUT it didn't go as smoothly as we thought, because his (marker) pen was running out of ink. Or at least I suppose so, since the writing was really pale. Kyung seemed to be a bit embarrassed of the whole situation and he laughed slightly.
Since the pale autograph was a "no no" to Kyung, he decided to try to write it again. This time he squeezed the marker more to the paper, and wrote it slower. (Like stroke...stroke etc.) You can spot the pale autograph on the paper, since Kyung didn't put the new one exactly top of the one he just wrote. That's why I could recognize his autograph immediately when looking at the paper.
When I got to in front of Kyung, he looked at me straight to eye, said hello and thanked for the concert while having a big smile on his face. I said the same things to him and gave the paper to him. Kyung wrote his autograph BUT it didn't go as smoothly as we thought, because his (marker) pen was running out of ink. Or at least I suppose so, since the writing was really pale. Kyung seemed to be a bit embarrassed of the whole situation and he laughed slightly.
Since the pale autograph was a "no no" to Kyung, he decided to try to write it again. This time he squeezed the marker more to the paper, and wrote it slower. (Like stroke...stroke etc.) You can spot the pale autograph on the paper, since Kyung didn't put the new one exactly top of the one he just wrote. That's why I could recognize his autograph immediately when looking at the paper.
Kuten arvata voi, tässä oli mennyt aikaa jonkin verran. Kyung liutti paperia mulle päin ja olin saanut käteni jo sen päälle. Mun aikeeni pysäytti kuitenkin - Jaehyo! Hän istui Kyungin vieressä ja oli siis seuraavana vuorossa. Ennen kuin ehdin vetäistä paperin itselleni ja antaa sen Jaehyolle, Jaehyo pisti kätensä paperin päälle ja otti paperin itselleen. Mun käsi oli siinä päällä, joten hän sneakysti veti kätensä ensin mun käden päältä ja sit varovasti liutti paperin itselleen.
As you may guess, this "moment" with Kyung took a bit more time than planned. Kyung was giving the paper back to me and I had my hand already on top of it. Before I could move further - Jaehyo stopped my action! He sat next to Kyung and was the next one in line. I was about to take the paper back and give it to Jaehyo, but instead Jaehyo put his hand on top of the paper, and slid it to himself. I had my hand already on top of it, so Jaehyo slid his hand first on top of mine and then carefully slid the paper to himself.
As you may guess, this "moment" with Kyung took a bit more time than planned. Kyung was giving the paper back to me and I had my hand already on top of it. Before I could move further - Jaehyo stopped my action! He sat next to Kyung and was the next one in line. I was about to take the paper back and give it to Jaehyo, but instead Jaehyo put his hand on top of the paper, and slid it to himself. I had my hand already on top of it, so Jaehyo slid his hand first on top of mine and then carefully slid the paper to himself.
Oon joskus aina sanonut sitä, kuinka en muista nimmaritilaisuuksista/fanitapaamisista melkein mitään... mut sit kuitenkin pystyn hyvin luettelemaan kaikenlaisia asioita tapahtumajärjestyksessä. Toi "tila" noissa oli sama, kuin toi mun jäätyminen Block B'n kanssa fansignin aluksi. Voin kuitenkin sanoa, että tän Jaehyo "momentin" jälkeen, mulla ei oo yhtään mitään muistikuvaa seuraavista tapahtumista. Muistan sen, että kun tää "käsien kohtaaminen" tapahtui, mä nostin heti katseeni Jaehyon kasvoihin ja meillä oli siinä semi awkward katsekontakti, jonka aikana Jaehyolla oli kasvoillaan sellainen "playful smirk".
Tän jälkeen mulla ei oo mitään loogista kuvaa tapahtumien kulusta. Seuraava muistikuva on, kun astun askeleen P.O:ta kohden ja otan mun nimmaripaperin, jota hän ojentaa mulle. Ja P.O naurahtaa/nauraa jollekin. Sit sen jälkeen järjestyksenvalvoja otti mua olkapäästä ja ohjasi ovelle päin. Muistan kans, että Jaehyon ja P.O'n välissä oli Taeil, joka istui jotenkin tosi rennosti tuolilla. :D Mut en sitten tiedä, sainko sanotuksi mitään tälle kolmikolle (edes sitä kiitoksen tapaista.)
In some occasions (meet & greet / fansign) I have said, that I can't remember anything... yet I can still say how things went in order. That feeling is the same I had with Block B in the beginning of the fansign (the "mentally froze" thing). However, I can honestly say that after the "moment" with Jaehyo, I have no idea what happened. I remember how "the hand met hand" happened and after that I looked at Jaehyo and we just stared at each other and it was semi awkward to me. Jaehyo had a kind of "playful smirk" on his face.
After that I have no logic picture of the following happenings. Next thing I can remember is, that I take the paper from P.O and he's laughing at something. After that the security guard put a hand of my shoulder and guided me towards the door. I also can remember, that between Jaehyo and P.O is Taeil and he was sitting quite casually on his chair. I can't remember if I said anything to these three. ( Like I might or might not have said thanks.)
In some occasions (meet & greet / fansign) I have said, that I can't remember anything... yet I can still say how things went in order. That feeling is the same I had with Block B in the beginning of the fansign (the "mentally froze" thing). However, I can honestly say that after the "moment" with Jaehyo, I have no idea what happened. I remember how "the hand met hand" happened and after that I looked at Jaehyo and we just stared at each other and it was semi awkward to me. Jaehyo had a kind of "playful smirk" on his face.
After that I have no logic picture of the following happenings. Next thing I can remember is, that I take the paper from P.O and he's laughing at something. After that the security guard put a hand of my shoulder and guided me towards the door. I also can remember, that between Jaehyo and P.O is Taeil and he was sitting quite casually on his chair. I can't remember if I said anything to these three. ( Like I might or might not have said thanks.)
Sit kun pääsin takaisin saliin, Tuizi oli odottamassa oven läheisyydessä. Näin jälkeen päin tajusin, että Tuizi oli ehtinyt kierroksen loppuun nimmareissa, kun olin vielä Kyungin kohdalla. Tuizi oli aikonut jäädä siihen oviaukkoon odottamaan mua, mut kuulemma häntä oltiin kielletty. ( Ai että jos Tuizi olisi voinut jäädä, olisin voinut kuulla, mitä tolloin mustan aukon kohdalla tapahtui. )
When I got back to the concert hall, Tuizi was waiting for me close to the door. Now that I think about it, I realized that Tuizi had already gotten all the autographs while I was still in front of Kyung. Tuizi told that she was trying to wait for me around the door area (but in the fansign room) but she was forbidden to do so. (Ah if only she could have stayed, I would have heard what happened during that time, that is covered in black in my mind.)
When I got back to the concert hall, Tuizi was waiting for me close to the door. Now that I think about it, I realized that Tuizi had already gotten all the autographs while I was still in front of Kyung. Tuizi told that she was trying to wait for me around the door area (but in the fansign room) but she was forbidden to do so. (Ah if only she could have stayed, I would have heard what happened during that time, that is covered in black in my mind.)
Kun pääsin salin puolelle, mentiin Emmin ja Veeran luokse. Puhuttiin hetki tosta, miten nimmaritilaisuudet meni. Siinä vaiheessa alkoi kyllä vähän ärsyttää se, etten ollut saanut sanotuksi Jaehyolle, että hän on biakseni. Anyway, tää kuvajono meni tosi nopeasti ja kohta olikin meidän vuoro. Mut ohjattiin eturiviin ja kun pääsin paikalleni, tunsin, että joku tuijottaa mun niskaa/yläselkää. Korjasin vähän asentoa ja samalla kurkistin olkani taakse ja huomasin, että tää "tuijottaja" ei ollut kukaan muu kuin B-BOMB! Siinä sit nopeesti katse löysi takaisin eteen ja mieli haahuili missä lie. Sit pian se kuva otettiin ja meidät ohjattiin poispäin.
When we were back at the concert hall, we went to search for Emmi and Veera and took our places behind them. On that moment, I was starting to get a bit annoyed for myself that I wasn't able to tell Jaehyo, that he's my bias. Anyway the picture line went by really fast and soon it was our turn. I was guided to the front row and when I got to my place, I felt like someone was staring at my neck/upper back. I fixed my position a little and at the same time, I glanced behind me. I noticed that the person, who looked at me was none other than B-BOMB! My stare quickly fixed back to the front, but my mind was running somewhere unknown. Soon after, the picture was taken and we were guided away from the room.
Ovensuussa oli ruuhkaa, jonka takia meidän "piti" jäädä vielä hetkeksi siihen tilaan, jossa kuvat otettiin. Käännyin hetkeksi takaisin Block B'hen päin ja huomasin, että Jaehyo katsoi meitä. Siinä sit ujosti vilkutin hänelle ja Jaehyo vilkuitti takaisin hymyillen. Tän jälkeen oven ruuhka alkoi vapautua ja käveltiin pois huoneesta. Mä huomasin pöydän, josta Tasten laittajat saivat käydä hakemassa julisteen. Mä kaivoin iPodini ja näytin sit siinä pöydällä, että olin laittanut Tasten ja sain julisteen matkaani. Sit ei muuta kuin vielä tavarat mukaan narikasta.
At the door area, it was really crowded so we "had to" stay for a moment longer to that room, where the picture was taken. I turned to Block B for a moment and I noticed, that Jaehyo was looking at us. I shyly waved at him and he waved back while smiling. After that the crowd was starting to disappear and we walked away from the room. I noticed the table, where the people, who had put a taste to the event (Taste makers?) got the poster that was promised. I took my iPod from my pocket, showed on the table that I had put a Taste and got the poster. After that we went to the cloakroom to get our stuff.
Koska sisällä oli aikamoinen ryysis, päätettiin Tuizin kanssa laittaa takit yms. päälle vasta ulkona. Me siis raahattiin laukut ja ulkovaatteet ulos, jossa puettiin kaikessa rauhassa. Tän jälkeen käppäiltiin rautatieasemalle, ostettiin liput ja mentiin junaan. Kello oli jo niin myöhä, että junat Tampereelle olivat vain pikajunia, että matka kesti kauan, mutta onneksi oli ihanaa seuraa. ♥ Junamatka meni musiikkia kuunnellessa ja katsottiin me hetki kans Block B'n Weekly Idolia.
There were a lot of people inside, so Tuizi and I decided to take our stuff and walk outside to put them on in peace. After we had gotten our jackets on, we started our journey towards the railway station, bought the tickets and got into the train. It was so late, that only the "express trains" ( the slowest ones) went to Tampere, so the way back home took a long time but luckily I had some lovely company. ♥ The time was used by listening the music and we also watched Block B's Weekly Idol for a moment.
Sellainen kokemus oli BLOCK PARTY meikäläiselle. Oliko teistä kellään tätä VIP lippua, että pääsitte tapaamaan Block B'tä fansignin ja kuvan merkeissä? Jos on, niin mua kiinnostais kuulla, minkälaiset fiilikset teille jäi.
This is, what kind of experience BLOCK PARTY was to me. Did you have a VIP ticket, so you'd meet Block B in fansign and group photo? If you did, please let me know your story. (How you felt etc.)
When we were back at the concert hall, we went to search for Emmi and Veera and took our places behind them. On that moment, I was starting to get a bit annoyed for myself that I wasn't able to tell Jaehyo, that he's my bias. Anyway the picture line went by really fast and soon it was our turn. I was guided to the front row and when I got to my place, I felt like someone was staring at my neck/upper back. I fixed my position a little and at the same time, I glanced behind me. I noticed that the person, who looked at me was none other than B-BOMB! My stare quickly fixed back to the front, but my mind was running somewhere unknown. Soon after, the picture was taken and we were guided away from the room.
Ovensuussa oli ruuhkaa, jonka takia meidän "piti" jäädä vielä hetkeksi siihen tilaan, jossa kuvat otettiin. Käännyin hetkeksi takaisin Block B'hen päin ja huomasin, että Jaehyo katsoi meitä. Siinä sit ujosti vilkutin hänelle ja Jaehyo vilkuitti takaisin hymyillen. Tän jälkeen oven ruuhka alkoi vapautua ja käveltiin pois huoneesta. Mä huomasin pöydän, josta Tasten laittajat saivat käydä hakemassa julisteen. Mä kaivoin iPodini ja näytin sit siinä pöydällä, että olin laittanut Tasten ja sain julisteen matkaani. Sit ei muuta kuin vielä tavarat mukaan narikasta.
At the door area, it was really crowded so we "had to" stay for a moment longer to that room, where the picture was taken. I turned to Block B for a moment and I noticed, that Jaehyo was looking at us. I shyly waved at him and he waved back while smiling. After that the crowd was starting to disappear and we walked away from the room. I noticed the table, where the people, who had put a taste to the event (Taste makers?) got the poster that was promised. I took my iPod from my pocket, showed on the table that I had put a Taste and got the poster. After that we went to the cloakroom to get our stuff.
Koska sisällä oli aikamoinen ryysis, päätettiin Tuizin kanssa laittaa takit yms. päälle vasta ulkona. Me siis raahattiin laukut ja ulkovaatteet ulos, jossa puettiin kaikessa rauhassa. Tän jälkeen käppäiltiin rautatieasemalle, ostettiin liput ja mentiin junaan. Kello oli jo niin myöhä, että junat Tampereelle olivat vain pikajunia, että matka kesti kauan, mutta onneksi oli ihanaa seuraa. ♥ Junamatka meni musiikkia kuunnellessa ja katsottiin me hetki kans Block B'n Weekly Idolia.
There were a lot of people inside, so Tuizi and I decided to take our stuff and walk outside to put them on in peace. After we had gotten our jackets on, we started our journey towards the railway station, bought the tickets and got into the train. It was so late, that only the "express trains" ( the slowest ones) went to Tampere, so the way back home took a long time but luckily I had some lovely company. ♥ The time was used by listening the music and we also watched Block B's Weekly Idol for a moment.
Sellainen kokemus oli BLOCK PARTY meikäläiselle. Oliko teistä kellään tätä VIP lippua, että pääsitte tapaamaan Block B'tä fansignin ja kuvan merkeissä? Jos on, niin mua kiinnostais kuulla, minkälaiset fiilikset teille jäi.
This is, what kind of experience BLOCK PARTY was to me. Did you have a VIP ticket, so you'd meet Block B in fansign and group photo? If you did, please let me know your story. (How you felt etc.)
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