Uusi vuosi, uudet kujeet
New year, new tricks
(It's time to turn over a new leaf)
New year, new tricks
(It's time to turn over a new leaf)
Toi on sellainen tokaisu, mitä kuulee usein. Mut tänä vuonna, ainakin yritän ottaa tän käyttööni. Mutta ennen vuoteen 2015 siirtymistä, blogitekstien osalta siis, palataan hetkeksi n. kuukausi taaksepäin. Eikös?
This is something you hear quite often. This year, I try to do this as well. But before going to year 2015, as for this post, let's get back to December, shall we?
This is something you hear quite often. This year, I try to do this as well. But before going to year 2015, as for this post, let's get back to December, shall we?
Tiedostan, etten ole _vieläkään_ postannut viime vuodelta conpostauksia. Voin sen verran paljastaa, että ainakin toinen on ihan loppusuoralla ja teen parhaani, et saan sen ilmoille asap. Mut ennen sitä ajattelin palata jouluun. Ihan vaan koska joulun muistelu keväällä on vähän.... you know.
I do know, that I _still_ haven't done the con posts from last year. I can reveal that much, that the other one is on it's final line and I promise to do my best to get it shown asap. But before that, let's get back to Christmas. Just because, thinking back of Christmas on Spring would be a little... you know.
I do know, that I _still_ haven't done the con posts from last year. I can reveal that much, that the other one is on it's final line and I promise to do my best to get it shown asap. But before that, let's get back to Christmas. Just because, thinking back of Christmas on Spring would be a little... you know.
Meidän perheen joulunvietto alkoi jo aaton aattona. Olin töissä ja työpäivän jälkeen lähdettiin ajamaan Jämsään, mummia ja ukkia katsomaan. Siellä sit koristeltiin Tuizin kanssa kuusi, soitin vähän pianoa ja syötiin. Aluksi meidän piti ottaa lahjat mukaan ja avata ne sit vasta aattona kotona... mut sit lopulta päätettiin avata ne sit melkein samantien.
Mun piti ottaa kamera mukaan, mutten muistanut / kerennyt siinä aamun kiiressä. Mulla siis on työpäivät 8-14, mikä tarkoittaa sitä en mun pitää lähteä viimeistään 7 bussilla täältä, joten...
Tosiaan jouluruokien lisäksi me sit... syötiin vähän lisää, tällä kertaa kahvituksen kanssa (kakkuja, pullaa, keksejä jne.) Oli kyl hiukan täysi olo, kun kotiin pääsi. Mut eikös se niin vähän mene, aina kun menee tapaamaan mummia?
My family's Christmas celebration started already on 23rd of December. I was at work on that day and after I had call it a day, we drove to Jämsä to see my grandparents. There I decorated the Christmas tree with Tuizi, played piano a bit and ate. First the plan was to take our presents and open them at home, on Christmas Eve... but in the end we decided to just open them in there.
I had been thinking about taking my camera with me but I didn't remember to take it on morning. nether I had time for that. I mean, my work day's are from 8am. to 2pm. which means I have to go to the bus which leaves 7am. so... Anyways, after eating the Christmas meal we... ate a little bit more, this time it was with coffee. We had cakes, buns, cookies etc. I must say that I was a little full when I got home. But it's always like that when you visit your grandma, right?
My family's Christmas celebration started already on 23rd of December. I was at work on that day and after I had call it a day, we drove to Jämsä to see my grandparents. There I decorated the Christmas tree with Tuizi, played piano a bit and ate. First the plan was to take our presents and open them at home, on Christmas Eve... but in the end we decided to just open them in there.
I had been thinking about taking my camera with me but I didn't remember to take it on morning. nether I had time for that. I mean, my work day's are from 8am. to 2pm. which means I have to go to the bus which leaves 7am. so... Anyways, after eating the Christmas meal we... ate a little bit more, this time it was with coffee. We had cakes, buns, cookies etc. I must say that I was a little full when I got home. But it's always like that when you visit your grandma, right?
Kun pääsin kotiin, isä sanoi, että mulle oli tullut postia. Sain kirjekuoren käteen ja kun näin kortin, saatoin... ehkä. hieman. kiljahtaa riemusta... ehkä. Mut hei, se on Chen! EXO bias~ ♥
Suuri kiitos ja kumarrus Nooralle, jolta kortin sain. ♥ Oli oikein mieluinen. ^-^
When I got home, my dad told me that post had brought me something. I got the envelope and when I saw the card I got I might. or might not. squealed a bit... But hey, it was Chen! EXO bias~ ♥
A big thank you and bow to Noora, who made and sent this card to me. ♥ I liked it very much. ^-^
When I got home, my dad told me that post had brought me something. I got the envelope and when I saw the card I got I might. or might not. squealed a bit... But hey, it was Chen! EXO bias~ ♥
A big thank you and bow to Noora, who made and sent this card to me. ♥ I liked it very much. ^-^
Joulu taasen vietettiin kotona, ihan rauhassa oman poppoon parissa. Mut tultiin herättää aamulla siihen, et lumiukko alkoi. Se on vähän meidän perheen oma perinne, et aamulla katsotaan lumiukko ja sen jälkeen joulurauhan julistus.
Äiti oli aamuvuorossa, joten Tuizille jäi joulupuuron keitto ja mulle taas porkkanalaatikon teko. Me kokkailtiin hetki, jonka jälkeen myös koristeet löysivät pian paikkansa kuusesta ja muualta talosta.
The Christmas Eve was spent at home, in peace with own family. I was waken up at morning by saying that the "The Snowman" had just started. It's kind of our family's tradition to watch the animation and after that we watch "The Declaration of Christmas Peace."
Mum had morning shift so Tuizi was assigned to make the rice porridge and my job was to do the carrot casserole. We cooked a while and after that we decorated the house and Christmas Tree.
The Christmas Eve was spent at home, in peace with own family. I was waken up at morning by saying that the "The Snowman" had just started. It's kind of our family's tradition to watch the animation and after that we watch "The Declaration of Christmas Peace."
Mum had morning shift so Tuizi was assigned to make the rice porridge and my job was to do the carrot casserole. We cooked a while and after that we decorated the house and Christmas Tree.
Tällaiseksi meidän kuusi lopulta puettiin.
The final look of our tree.
The final look of our tree.
Kun äiti tuli kotiin, syötiin joulupuuro - isä sai mantelin. Juteltiin kaikkea mukavaa jne. Isä oli laittanut saunan lämpiämään, joten sitä odotellessa menin sitten paketoimaan viimeisiä lahjoja. Lakkasin myös joulutyyliset kynnet, jota voittekin korttikuvassa nähdä. Kokokuvaa kynsistä en ottanut, koska lopputulos ei ollut aivan niin hieno, mitä hain. |'D
When mum came home, we ate the porridge - dad got the almond. We spend some time by talking etc. While we waited for the sauna to be ready, I went to wrapped up the last gifts. I also made Christmas style nails, which you can see from the Christmas card picture, but I didn't take full picture of the nails since the result wasn't as nice as I had wished for. |'D
When mum came home, we ate the porridge - dad got the almond. We spend some time by talking etc. While we waited for the sauna to be ready, I went to wrapped up the last gifts. I also made Christmas style nails, which you can see from the Christmas card picture, but I didn't take full picture of the nails since the result wasn't as nice as I had wished for. |'D
Olin myös aika-ajoin koneella, toivottelemassa jouluja. Muutamia vastauksia tuli takaisin, mitkä todella lämmittivät ja piristivät jouluiltaa!
Sometimes I spent some time on computer and wished Merry Christmas ~ I got some responds, which made me very happy and cheered up my night!
Sometimes I spent some time on computer and wished Merry Christmas ~ I got some responds, which made me very happy and cheered up my night!
Saunan jälkeen menin huoneeseen valmistautumaan. Tarpeellistahan se ei sinänsä ollut, koska "kotona on vain perhe" jne. Mut mikäs siinä jos on halua ja energiaa ja aikaa ja... niin. Lopputulos on kutakuinkin tällainen. [[ Mua itkettää toi mun kameran laatu atm. : / ]]
After the sauna I went to my room to get ready. ( make up, cute christmassy clothes etc. ) Sure it wasn't something I "had to do" since I was spending time at home "with only my family around." But why not to do if you have energy, time and... yeah. The result was like this. [[ The quality of these photos taken by my camera is seriously killing me atm. : / ]]
After the sauna I went to my room to get ready. ( make up, cute christmassy clothes etc. ) Sure it wasn't something I "had to do" since I was spending time at home "with only my family around." But why not to do if you have energy, time and... yeah. The result was like this. [[ The quality of these photos taken by my camera is seriously killing me atm. : / ]]
Ja siinä on taas ne kynnet! Btw, jos käytin kynsissä Bubzin tutorialia - linkki. Eli basically, käytin sitä "tonttuhattu" tyyliä, mut nimettömään väkersin (tai no yritin) lahjapaketin.
And here we have the nails again! Btw, I used the tutorial by Bubz for my nails. - link -. Basically I used the "elf hat" style, but for the ring finger, I made (or tried to make) gift box.
And here we have the nails again! Btw, I used the tutorial by Bubz for my nails. - link -. Basically I used the "elf hat" style, but for the ring finger, I made (or tried to make) gift box.
Tätä seurasi sitten ruokailu. Sillä välin kun meikkasin ja vaihdoin vaatteita, muut olivat kattaneet pöydän nätiksi ja pistäneet ruuat esille.
After this we had the Christmas meal. While I was in my room to get ready, the others had set the table.
After this we had the Christmas meal. While I was in my room to get ready, the others had set the table.
Meidän perheessä joulua ei vietetä vain joulun vuoksi... vaan silloin on myös meidän perheen nelijalkaisen syntymäpäivä. Luna täytti nimittäin neljä vuotta. ♥ Perinteisten herkkulahjojen lisäksi, tyttö sai tänä vuonna uuden lelun !
Our family's four legged member, Luna, turned to 4 this Christmas. ♥ That's why we have one more reason to celebrate Christmas. Luna got the usual treats as a gift, but she also got new toy !
Our family's four legged member, Luna, turned to 4 this Christmas. ♥ That's why we have one more reason to celebrate Christmas. Luna got the usual treats as a gift, but she also got new toy !
Vinkuva koirapötkä. Leikit keskeytyivät hetkeksi, koska piti mennä iltalenkille. Tällä välin muut olivat kerääntyneet olohuoneen puolelle ja kun tulin lenkiltä, oli lahjojen avaus. Sekös lystiä oli. Mä odotin innoissani sitä, miten muut reagoi mun ostamiin lahjoihin. Onnekseni olin osannut valita ne hyvin, sillä ne ilahduttivat. Eikä omissa lahjoissakaan ollut valittamista. En saanut otettua niistä kovin hyvää yhteiskuvaa (+ unohdin siitä aatonaattona saadut lahjat), joten en ala tässä listaamaan. Ehkä sitten myöhemmin. ; )
Pakko myöntää, että lumi vaikuttaa fiilikseen kyllä paljon. Heti kun oli valkea joulu, mulla oli joulufiilis koko päivän ajan!
Wheezing dog! She had to stop playing for a little while tho, 'cause it was time for the night walk. During the time I was walking with the dog, the others had gathered around to the living room and when I got back, it was time to open the presents. That was fun. I was waiting for that so much 'cause I wanted to see everyone's faces when they open the presents I had gave to them. Luckily I had chosen good gifts 'cause they were really happy with them! And I also loved the ones I got. I tried to take picture of them, but it wasn't very good (+ I forgot the presents I had gotten a day vefore), so I'm not going to list them. Maybe later. ; )
I must admit that the snow really affects to the spirit. When we have a white christmas, the christmas spirit seems to be around whole day!
Wheezing dog! She had to stop playing for a little while tho, 'cause it was time for the night walk. During the time I was walking with the dog, the others had gathered around to the living room and when I got back, it was time to open the presents. That was fun. I was waiting for that so much 'cause I wanted to see everyone's faces when they open the presents I had gave to them. Luckily I had chosen good gifts 'cause they were really happy with them! And I also loved the ones I got. I tried to take picture of them, but it wasn't very good (+ I forgot the presents I had gotten a day vefore), so I'm not going to list them. Maybe later. ; )
I must admit that the snow really affects to the spirit. When we have a white christmas, the christmas spirit seems to be around whole day!
Uusi vuosi kului myös kotona. Oltiin tällä kertaa kolmen ihmisen voimin, sillä Tuizi viiletti kaveriensa kanssa. Meidän ilta meni mukavasti kotona, katsottiin vuoden vaihtumista televisiosta jne. Raketteja ei ammuttu, mutta kävin muutaman kerran ulkonä käppäilemässä ja katsomassa, josko raketteja näkyisi. Oli kyl vähän huono sää siihen, sillä juuri mitään ei näkynyt - ääni vain kuului.
During the New Year, I was at home, again. This time there were only three people 'cause Tuizi was spending time with her friends. Out night at home went smoothly. We watched the year ending ceremony kind of thing from TV. We didn't shoot any fireworks, but I went outside to watch them, couple of times. The weather was a bit bad for that tho, 'cause I couldn't really see much - I only heard the noise.
During the New Year, I was at home, again. This time there were only three people 'cause Tuizi was spending time with her friends. Out night at home went smoothly. We watched the year ending ceremony kind of thing from TV. We didn't shoot any fireworks, but I went outside to watch them, couple of times. The weather was a bit bad for that tho, 'cause I couldn't really see much - I only heard the noise.
Uuteen vuoteenhan kuuluu lupaukset, eikös? Mä en mitään viime vuonna luvannut, enkä yleisesti ole muutenkaan lupailua harrastanut. Joten tänä vuonna päätin repäistä. Nää ei ehkä nimellisesti ole lupauksia, mutta... ne voidaan laskea siihen kategoriaan.
New Year Resolutions are part of the "ceremony", right? Last time I promised nothing and I don't usually don't promise much of things. That's why I decided to do different this year. These might not very fully promises but... we can put them in this category, I guess.
New Year Resolutions are part of the "ceremony", right? Last time I promised nothing and I don't usually don't promise much of things. That's why I decided to do different this year. These might not very fully promises but... we can put them in this category, I guess.
Olla aktiivisempi blogissa
Olla aktiivisempi blogissa
Mun epäaktiivisus kirjaimellisesti ärsytti mua viime vuonna. Mulla oli mielessä kaikkia blogiaiheita ja otin kuvia uusista ostoksista, jotta mulla olis materiaalia. Mut ideat ei sitten kovinkaan usein kohdanneet "uusi blogiteksti" sivua.
Mä uskon, et tällä oli kytköksiä siihen, et lukio oli loppumassa. Ne viimeiset kuukaudet vei mehut, enkä jaksanut silloin tehdä mitään. Sit "vapailla" mulla ei kyllä pahemmin ollut silloinkaan jaksamista tehdä mitään, koska alussa oli "latailen akkuja" vaihe, joka sitten siirtyi laiskuuteen. Nyt kun mun pitää oikeesti viikossa tehdä jotain (koska työkokeilu), yritän kovasti saada taas päiviteltyä.
Etenkin jrockin saralla näyttää hyvältä aiheiden suhteen, koska pari keikkaa häämöttää jo silmissä. ; )
Be more active on my blog
My inactivity on this blog really annoyed me during the last year. I had so many ideas for the new posts and I even took pictures of the stuff I bought so I had material. But my ideas didn't find the "New blog post" page often.
I believe that my graduation of high school had something to do with the inactivity. The last months of high school were super tiring with all the finals etc. and I had no energy to do anything. When "the freedom" started, I didn't had much energy ether 'cause the beginning was "I'm now only relaxing so I get the energy, which I lost, back" phase which continued to become plain laziness. Now that I actually have to do something during the week ('cause of the job), I try so hard to update more. Especially from the jrock part, it looks very good 'cause I have few gigs coming up. ; )
Be more active on my blog
My inactivity on this blog really annoyed me during the last year. I had so many ideas for the new posts and I even took pictures of the stuff I bought so I had material. But my ideas didn't find the "New blog post" page often.
I believe that my graduation of high school had something to do with the inactivity. The last months of high school were super tiring with all the finals etc. and I had no energy to do anything. When "the freedom" started, I didn't had much energy ether 'cause the beginning was "I'm now only relaxing so I get the energy, which I lost, back" phase which continued to become plain laziness. Now that I actually have to do something during the week ('cause of the job), I try so hard to update more. Especially from the jrock part, it looks very good 'cause I have few gigs coming up. ; )
Opetella uuden bändin joka kuukausi (kpop ja jrock):
Opetella uuden bändin joka kuukausi (kpop ja jrock):
Mulla on listalla ja mielessä niin monta bändiä, jotka tiedän nimeltä. En ole kuitenkaan koskaan saanut itseäni niskasta kiinni, et oikeasti tsekkaisin näitä. Sain tän idean Tuizilta, joka teki viime vuonna listan, johon listasi 12 yhtyettä, joita hän opettelee. Mä teen nyt saman.
Mä teen sekä kpopin, että jrockin, kanssa silleen et listaan 12 yhtyettä, jotka opettelen. Käytännössä, mitä mun "pitää" tehdä, on et perehdyn bändiin sen verran, että opettelen jäsenet ja kuuntelen pari biisiä, jotta saan jonkinlaisen kuvan heidän musiikistaan. Not too hard ! Ainiin ja yritän kans kattoo jotain videoita, että mulla on kuvaa jäsenten persoonasta kans.
Mietin et tammikuussa mä Jrockin suhteen opettelen ADAMSin. Tiedän (ja tunnistan) tosin jo jäsenet jne. mut musiikin kuuntelu on jäänyt vähän... niin. Joten olisi hyvä opetella heidän tuotantoaan, kun kerta meen helmikuussa duoa katsomaan. :D
Kpopin suhteen mä ajattelin aloittaa B.A.P:stä. Tiedän ja tunnistan jäsenet ja oon kuullut pari biisiä, mut haluaisin tietää vielä enemmän~
Learn a new band every month (kpop and jrock):
I have many bands of my list, which I know by name. Nevertheless, I haven't really checked them out yet. I got the idea from Tuizi, 'cause she did the same thing last year.
I'll do this thing with both jrock and kpop. I list 12 groups/bands from both genre and learn them. Basically what I "have to" do is that I try to get to know them that well that I can name the members (So that I know their names and recognize them from pictures) and I'll listen couple of their songs so I have some kind of idea of what kind of music they'll do. Not too hard! Oh yeah, if I have time I try to also watch some videos so I know their personalities as well.
I was thinking that with Jrock, I could choose a duo named ADAMS. Even though I know (and recognize) them already, I haven't really listened their music. So it would be great now to get to really know them, since I'll be seeing the duo on February in Finland. :D
With kpop, I was thinking of starting with B.A.P. I know and recognize the members and have heard some songs, but I'd like to know them better~
Learn a new band every month (kpop and jrock):
I have many bands of my list, which I know by name. Nevertheless, I haven't really checked them out yet. I got the idea from Tuizi, 'cause she did the same thing last year.
I'll do this thing with both jrock and kpop. I list 12 groups/bands from both genre and learn them. Basically what I "have to" do is that I try to get to know them that well that I can name the members (So that I know their names and recognize them from pictures) and I'll listen couple of their songs so I have some kind of idea of what kind of music they'll do. Not too hard! Oh yeah, if I have time I try to also watch some videos so I know their personalities as well.
I was thinking that with Jrock, I could choose a duo named ADAMS. Even though I know (and recognize) them already, I haven't really listened their music. So it would be great now to get to really know them, since I'll be seeing the duo on February in Finland. :D
With kpop, I was thinking of starting with B.A.P. I know and recognize the members and have heard some songs, but I'd like to know them better~
Pitää ns. "hyväntuulen/muistojen purkkia"
Tbh, en edes tiedä, minkä niminen toi on. Näin yhdessä videossa tollaisen ja halusin kokeilla itsekin. Siinä vaiheessa oltiin jo maaliskuussa, että oli vähän myöhäistä aloittaa. (Tapahtui sama, mitä mulle aina Nanowrimon kanssa. Jälkimmäisen siis huomaan yleensä vasta, kun ollaan kuukauden puolessa välissä.)
Purkin idea on se, että kun sinne kerätään vuoden ilahduttavat asiat. Kun joku asia ilahduttaa päivän aikana, kirjoitetaan se lapulle ja pistetään purkkiin.
Kuva on täältä
Käydä keikoilla
Hahah, tää on enemmänkin toteamus kuin lupaus. Ja oon aika 99% varma, että tää tulee toteutumaan! Mulla on edellisinä vuosina keikkakalenteri ollut tosi tyhjä, vaikka kaikkia kivoja onkin tänne saatu. Mut nyt kun on omaa rahaa kukkarossa niin mahdollisuudet useammilla keikoilla käymiseen on suurempi. Tällä hetkellä näytttäisi siltä, että maaliskuun ensimmäisen päivän jälkeen oon käynyt yhtä monella jrockkeikalla, millä oon ennen (hyvällä lykyllä) päässyt käymään vuoden aikana.
Tänä vuonna mun keikkakalenteriin mahtuu jrockin osalta ADAMS (20.2.) ja Kamijo (1.3.). Viimeiseksi mainittuun mulla on myös vip. Yngh jännittää jo nyt~
Go to the gigs
Hahah, this is more of a statement than promise. And I'm 99% sure it's going to work! The previous years, my gig calender was very empty, even though many great bands have been here. But now I have my own money and I have bigger opportunity to go to the gigs~ Now it looks that after the March 1st, I've been attended to as many jrock gigs as I have been per year (if I've been lucky).
This year my gig calender looks like this (from jrock's part), ADAMS (20.2) and Kamijo (1.3.). I have a VIP ticket to the one I mentioned last. Yngh, I'm so excited already~
Opetella tanssi, joka kuukausi
Kun mietin, täähän perjaatteessa täyttyisi jo koska parapara. Mut tarkoitan tällä lähinnä mm. kpop koreografioita. Tein viime vuonna listan, johon listasin tanssit, jotka halusin opetella. Samassa listassa on kans tanssit,jotka haluan opetella ja oon jo aloitellut sitä... Tyyliin oon opetellut pari osaa. Se lista vasta pitkä onkin!
Pitää ns. "hyväntuulen/muistojen purkkia"
Tbh, en edes tiedä, minkä niminen toi on. Näin yhdessä videossa tollaisen ja halusin kokeilla itsekin. Siinä vaiheessa oltiin jo maaliskuussa, että oli vähän myöhäistä aloittaa. (Tapahtui sama, mitä mulle aina Nanowrimon kanssa. Jälkimmäisen siis huomaan yleensä vasta, kun ollaan kuukauden puolessa välissä.)
Purkin idea on se, että kun sinne kerätään vuoden ilahduttavat asiat. Kun joku asia ilahduttaa päivän aikana, kirjoitetaan se lapulle ja pistetään purkkiin.
Kuva on täältä
Do the so called "Memory / good mood jar"
Tbh, I don't even know what it's called. I saw that on some video and wanted to try it out myself. Sadly it was already March, so it was a bit late to start.
The idea of the jar is, that I collect things which made me happy. When something nice happened, I write it on a piece of paper and put it on the jar.
Käydä keikoilla
Hahah, tää on enemmänkin toteamus kuin lupaus. Ja oon aika 99% varma, että tää tulee toteutumaan! Mulla on edellisinä vuosina keikkakalenteri ollut tosi tyhjä, vaikka kaikkia kivoja onkin tänne saatu. Mut nyt kun on omaa rahaa kukkarossa niin mahdollisuudet useammilla keikoilla käymiseen on suurempi. Tällä hetkellä näytttäisi siltä, että maaliskuun ensimmäisen päivän jälkeen oon käynyt yhtä monella jrockkeikalla, millä oon ennen (hyvällä lykyllä) päässyt käymään vuoden aikana.
Tänä vuonna mun keikkakalenteriin mahtuu jrockin osalta ADAMS (20.2.) ja Kamijo (1.3.). Viimeiseksi mainittuun mulla on myös vip. Yngh jännittää jo nyt~
Go to the gigs
Hahah, this is more of a statement than promise. And I'm 99% sure it's going to work! The previous years, my gig calender was very empty, even though many great bands have been here. But now I have my own money and I have bigger opportunity to go to the gigs~ Now it looks that after the March 1st, I've been attended to as many jrock gigs as I have been per year (if I've been lucky).
This year my gig calender looks like this (from jrock's part), ADAMS (20.2) and Kamijo (1.3.). I have a VIP ticket to the one I mentioned last. Yngh, I'm so excited already~
Opetella tanssi, joka kuukausi
Kun mietin, täähän perjaatteessa täyttyisi jo koska parapara. Mut tarkoitan tällä lähinnä mm. kpop koreografioita. Tein viime vuonna listan, johon listasin tanssit, jotka halusin opetella. Samassa listassa on kans tanssit,jotka haluan opetella ja oon jo aloitellut sitä... Tyyliin oon opetellut pari osaa. Se lista vasta pitkä onkin!
^ Tää on yks kandidaatti, jonka yritän päästä loppuun asti! Oon päässyt nyt about.
kertosäkeistön loppuun. Mun tosiaan piti saada tää valmiiks 2013 Traconiin ja
ajattelin, et voisin yrittää saada kuvattua siitä videon siellä mutta.... :'D
Learn a new dance every month
Now that I think about it, this is already fulfilled 'cause of parapara. Anyways, with this one I mainly mean kpop choreographs. Last year, I made a list of the dances I wanted to learn. In the same list, I also put dances I've been wanting to learn and I've already started it (like I've learned one or few parts.) It was very long list!
The video above is very strong candidate to be one, which I'll try to finish! I've started it and I've learned it to the end of the first chorus. I was supposed to finish the learning, when the 2013's Tracon was, at first. I was thinking, that I'd try to video a cover of it, in there but..... :'D
Tiedän jo tässä vaiheessa, että tää viimeinen lupaus tulee olemaan se, joka kaikista luultavimmin tulee feilaamaan. Mutta yritys on kova! o7
I know that this last promise is the one, which most probably going to fail. But I'll try very hard to not give up with it! o7
Onko teillä lupauksia tulevalle vuodelle ?
Eiköhän tässä oo jo lupauksia kerrakseen. Ensi kertaan siis~!
Did you make any New Year's resolutions ?
I guess, from my part, there's enough resolutions to keep. So to the next time~!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Onnea tulevaan vuoteen! ♥
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Good luck to the upcoming year! ♥
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Good luck to the upcoming year! ♥
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