Anyway, et pystyn pitään blogin ees jollain lailla hengissä + et Tracon merkinnästä ei tulis niin pitkä, päätin et nyt kun pari päivää on aikaa (= ylppärit ohi syksyn kohdalta), niin voisin tehdä merkinnän conia edeltävästä perjantaista.
I decided to update my blog, while waiting some Tracon -pictures etc. After all, I left my camera at hom (well... more like I don't even know where it is. |'D) but luckily I got pictures from other people. (Ofc I first ask/I have asked if I can use them~ hehe ^^; )
Anyway, since I want to keep my blog alive and didn't want the Tracon entry to be too long, I decided to do an entry of the day before con. I have time, anyways, since the autumns finals are over.
I decided to update my blog, while waiting some Tracon -pictures etc. After all, I left my camera at hom (well... more like I don't even know where it is. |'D) but luckily I got pictures from other people. (Ofc I first ask/I have asked if I can use them~ hehe ^^; )
Anyway, since I want to keep my blog alive and didn't want the Tracon entry to be too long, I decided to do an entry of the day before con. I have time, anyways, since the autumns finals are over.
~ * ~ * ~
Meillä oli koulussa Abien keskuudessa pyjama päivä. Mä en ehtinyt laittaa kunnollista asua, koska olin nukkunut yön collareissa ja aamulla tuli tosi kiire, koska filosofian koe klo. 8:15 |D No~
Pakko muuten sanoo kans, et meidän kouluruuan laatu on kohentunut huomattavasti, ku meille tuli Fazer. Se on oikeesti niin hyvää et mennään syömään ihan innolla. Ja tona perjantaina meillä oli ruokana kanankoipia, semmosii ihan järjettömän kokosia, et joutu hetken kattoo lautasta et "Jaa.... mites ihmeessä mä _tän_ jaksan syödä? : D"
We had a pajama day with our school's abis (the last year students). I didn't have time to put any pajama since I had slept while wearing sweatpants and my morning was very busy since I had philosophy exam at 8:15 o'clock. Well~ I really need to say, that I'm very happy that the quality of our school food has gotten better, when we got Fazer. The food is so good that we're happy to go to eat. And that Friday we had chicken legs. They were so big that I watch my plate for a moment with "How in the world I'm able to eat _this_ much food? : D" thoughts.
We had a pajama day with our school's abis (the last year students). I didn't have time to put any pajama since I had slept while wearing sweatpants and my morning was very busy since I had philosophy exam at 8:15 o'clock. Well~ I really need to say, that I'm very happy that the quality of our school food has gotten better, when we got Fazer. The food is so good that we're happy to go to eat. And that Friday we had chicken legs. They were so big that I watch my plate for a moment with "How in the world I'm able to eat _this_ much food? : D" thoughts.
Koulun jälken ehdin nopeesti käymään kotona, kunnes mulla matka veikin Tamperetalon pihalle. Meillä oli sellaiset pikakenraalin kenraaliharjoitukset Traconin avajaisia varten. Me tehtiin intensiivisesti töitä koko se pieni 30 minuuttia. Se näky kyl sit naamasta, kun siirryin harjoitusten jälkeen kohti seuraavaa paikkaa.
After school, I actually had some time to go home, before I went to Tamperetalo. We had quick dress rehearsal there, for Tracon's opening ceremony. We work really hard and intensive the whole 30 minutes and you could see that from my face, when I moved to another place after rehearsal.
After school, I actually had some time to go home, before I went to Tamperetalo. We had quick dress rehearsal there, for Tracon's opening ceremony. We work really hard and intensive the whole 30 minutes and you could see that from my face, when I moved to another place after rehearsal.
(c) Maija |
Essi tuli Tampereelle ja oltiin aiemmin sovittu Skypen välityksellä, et nähtäisiin perjantaina. Siispä kipitin suoraan harjoitusten jälkeen rautatieasemalle. Siellä Essi olikin Maijan ja Pirjon (Essin tuttuja/ystäviä, joiden luokse hän meni yöksi) kanssa. Lähdettiin sit yhdessä Wayne's Coffee :seen. Mä otin Chilled Chai :n, koska mulla oli ihan järjetön kuuma. (minkä näkee myös ylläolevasta kuvasta... sitä se tosissaan treenaus teettää. :'D)
Essi came to Tampere and we had planned via Skype that we'd see on Friday. So after rehearsal I went to railwaystation.There Essi was with Maija and Pirjo (Essi's friends, who's place she wnet overnight). We went to Wayne's Coffee where I took Chilled Chai, since it was so so hot. (which you can see from the picture above. That's what working hard do - I guess. :'D)
Essi came to Tampere and we had planned via Skype that we'd see on Friday. So after rehearsal I went to railwaystation.There Essi was with Maija and Pirjo (Essi's friends, who's place she wnet overnight). We went to Wayne's Coffee where I took Chilled Chai, since it was so so hot. (which you can see from the picture above. That's what working hard do - I guess. :'D)
Kun oltiin valmiita, poikettiin Stockmannin kautta. Sen jälkeen mentiin ottaan pari kuvaa muistoksi ja sit lähdettiinkin erisuuntiin. Ehdin sit siitä illasta tehdä vähän koulujuttuja + valmistautumaan seuraavaan päivään henkisesti. :'3
When we were read, we quickly visited Stockmann. After that we took couple of pictures as a memory and then left to different directions. I did some school work in the evening and tried to prepare mentally for the upcoming day. :'3
When we were read, we quickly visited Stockmann. After that we took couple of pictures as a memory and then left to different directions. I did some school work in the evening and tried to prepare mentally for the upcoming day. :'3
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Sellaista siis. Tähän loppuun ajattelin pistää pari kuvaa siitä, kun jaksoin viime keskiviikkona laittautua. Mulla siis oli vaan tunti koulua ja se meni aika nopeesti, kun se oli kertausta (meitä oli vaan 4 tunnilla, koska ihan sairaan moni kirjoitti enkun nyt syksyllä). Koska tää nykyään tapahtuu niin harvakseltaan, niin on se varmaan ihan näyttämisen ja kuvailun arvoinen asia. ^^;
I decide to put few pictures here, since I putted some make up etc. last Wednesday. I had only one lesson at school and it went very fast since it was repetition lesson. (There were only 4 people in the class since so many had English finals in autumn.) Since I nowadays won't have energy to _really_ get ready, I think it'd be worth of showing some pictures.
I decide to put few pictures here, since I putted some make up etc. last Wednesday. I had only one lesson at school and it went very fast since it was repetition lesson. (There were only 4 people in the class since so many had English finals in autumn.) Since I nowadays won't have energy to _really_ get ready, I think it'd be worth of showing some pictures.
Toi mekko on jo monesta yhdeydestä tuttu, mut viimeisin käyttökerta oli Traconissa, meidän esityksen jälkeen. Toi villatakki on uusi ja tykkään siitä kyl tosi paljon. Ton lisäksi mulla oli harmaat säärystimet, mut en saanu niistä kuvia, koska mulla ei oo kokovartalopeiliä tai kuvaajaa.
Ensin ajattelin,et olisin voinu ottaa kuvan Ratinassa, mut eipä siinä ennen tuntia ollut aikaa ja sen jälkeen olin niin kuollut, et se jäi sit siihen.
You might know/remember the dress from few contexts/events. Last time I used it was at Tracon, after our performance. The cardigan is new and I like it very much. I also had grey leg warmers but I couldn't get them to the picture since I don't have full-length mirror or other person to take pictures.
First I thought I'd take a picture at Ratina, but I really didn't have time before the lesson and after that, I was so tired and looked kinda death so...
You might know/remember the dress from few contexts/events. Last time I used it was at Tracon, after our performance. The cardigan is new and I like it very much. I also had grey leg warmers but I couldn't get them to the picture since I don't have full-length mirror or other person to take pictures.
First I thought I'd take a picture at Ratina, but I really didn't have time before the lesson and after that, I was so tired and looked kinda death so...
Mä oon about aina halunnut ottaa tällaisen kuvan, koska ne näyttää niin usein kivoilta...
I have always wanted to take pictures like that, since they usually look so nice...
Lisäksi, halusin näyttää mun meikit mut... valotus oli niin huono, et sit kun sitä muokkas vähän paremmaks ja inhimillisemmäks(?) ni tosta nyt on vähän vaikee sanoo, et mulla tosiaan on siniset luomivärit. sillee, vaaleempi sininen + valkoinen peittää luomea ja sit tummempaa sinistä kulmassa jne.
No mut niin. Eipä mulla kai sit enää mitään lisättävää tähän, seuraavaa postausta odotellessa, joka sit mitä luultavimmin käsittelee Traconia ja Overworldin keikkaa (uuuu, spoileja :'D). Moimoi!
Also I wanted to show my make up but.... the lights were so bad and I had to edit it a bit for better. And now it's kinda hard to spot that I have blue eye shadow. Like on eyelid I have white and lighter blue and I put some darker blue to the outer corner and so on.
Anyway, now I have nothing else to add so... The following entry's going to be, most probably, about Tracon and Overworld's gig (uuuu spoilers. :'D) Byebye!
Also I wanted to show my make up but.... the lights were so bad and I had to edit it a bit for better. And now it's kinda hard to spot that I have blue eye shadow. Like on eyelid I have white and lighter blue and I put some darker blue to the outer corner and so on.
Anyway, now I have nothing else to add so... The following entry's going to be, most probably, about Tracon and Overworld's gig (uuuu spoilers. :'D) Byebye!
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