Christmas is coming and soon studying will leave for couple of week (Christmas holiday). Christmas spirit is also shown in our school, though we're at high school. Today we didn't have history lesson in morning, though we have to do essay thing. We got some chocolate while our Finnish lesson, we didn't have to go to prom dance practicing and yesterday we got 15 minutes earlier than usually. Tomorrow is Christmas celebration and after that we're going to Jämsä to celebrate with grandparents.
Viime lauantaina, 15.12. osallistuin Nightmare -miittiin. Tapasin Meepun ja Nellin rautatieasemalla klo. 12 ja lähdettiin kohti Farnan kotia. Siellä katseltiin Nightmare -DVD'itä, juteltiin ja juotiin teetä keksejä napostellen. Loppupuolella Nightmare alkoi hienosti siirtyä myös muihin bändeihin mm. Halloween Junky Orchestra ja MUCC. Lisäks kuunneltiin V-ROCK Disney levyä, pelattiin Aliasta ja Kaki : D! Oli kyl hauska päivä ~
Last Saturday, 15th of December I attend to Nightmare meeting. I met Meepu and Nelli at railway station 12 o'clock and we head our way to Farna's home. There we watched some Nightmare DVD's, talked and drank some tea while eating cookies. After a while we also started to watch other band's stuff too, for example Halloween Junky Orchestra and MUCC. We also listened V-ROCK Disney album and played Alias. It was nice day ~
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The same day was also my cousin's birthday party. Since I didn't went there my aunt putted some food in the box so I could also enjoy these~ They were yummy ♥ |
Keskiviikkona oli viimeinen parapara tunti. Meillä oli oma joulujuhla, lahjojen vaihtoa ja nyyttäriä. Tanssittiin jokainen kauden kappale ja juteltiin ja syötiin ja sellaista. Oon näemmä ollut tänä vuonna kiltti, koska sain kaksi lahjaa~ Yksi lahjan vaihdosta ja toinen Iinalta. (^o^)/
On Wednesday I had my last parapara lesson of this season. We had own Christmas party. We danced every dances from this season, talked and stuff. I have been kind this yeas, I think, since I got two presents~ (^o^)/
My look for that time~
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Hmm, siinä tais olla kaikki. Niin joo ja hyvää joulua, jos en päivittele enää ennen joulua. :3 Meen nyt jatkamaan noita joulukorttien tekoa kavereille, kunhan pelaan ensin parit nonogrammit. Mut moikka ja pitäkää itsenne lämpiminä! Hauskaa joululomaa kans~ ! C: Loppuun vielä muutama kuva näiden kahden viikon väliltä~
Well, that's it, this time. Merry Christmas, if I won't update before Christmas. :3 I'm going to finish those Christmas cards for my friend now. But yeah, bye bye and take care! Oh, and those who have Christmas holiday, have fun~! C: In the end I'll add few pics from these two years~
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I found my tea mug ♥ |
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well... dad had fun :D |
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Our dog had operation and she have to use that thing~ First she didn't like it, but now she's used to it. ^^ |
Ihana toi sun asu :3 ja hyvää joulua sullekkin! :)
VastaaPoistaKiitoksia~ (^-^)/ Hyvää joulua ♥